I believe I mentioned that I was expecting a guest for breakfast today, well about two minutes after he arrived my neighbour appeared. You see I had just spent about an hour making potato cakes and the smell was wafting about, what could I do. Luckily I had made ten dozen so there was no shortage. We are very lucky in that we have the most wonderful neighbours, two smashing young men who are very kind and always ready to help or just have a natter. I value this as in the past I have suffered from a couple of very dodgy, grouchy, grumpy and downright unpleasant characters living next door and it was not a barrel of laughs I must say.
Any way back to breakfast, we began at about 10:30 and after eating lots of potato cakes and drinking lots of tea we needed something sweet so we had coffee and shortcake, thank goodness I made loads yesterday. We had a great time and the party went on until almost 1:30.
The kitchen looked like a war zone and took over an hour to clean up, which I did while my husband basely scuttled off to hospital for a blood test....some people will do anything to avoid washing up. He was gone just long enough, which shows him to be a man of considerable experience!
The next treat was a trip to the supermarket, it really is a treat too as until I got my freedomwagon the only places I have been for the last two years has been the doctor's surgery or the hospital and mighty grim I found it. I had a great time and bought lovely things like crayfish, kippers, pretty tea towels and some mangoes and oranges,..lovely.
Tomorrow I really must make the strawberry jam which I had no time to make today, it is becoming quite difficult to close the door of the fridge.
It has been a lovely day, I don't think I shall ever take the wonderful ordinary little pleasures of life for granted ever again, I missed them more than I realised.
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