I came to a standstill today, after all that cooking yesterday and two hours ironing this morning I ran out of steam! Having decided to wash my hair I found it almost impossible to dry, you see my hair is very long and so it kept sticking to my back. I was obliged to dry it in the garden and I have to inform you that the result is far from stylish, I look like the wicked witch of the west, so I have put it in a bun and to blazes with it!
One piece of good news is that it would appear that mice do not care at all for the new stuff I scattered about the other day, I picked a huge bowl of strawberries this afternoon, I thought about making more jam but I just couldn't be asked so they will go in to work with my son, next door to the neighbours and will also make a lovely dessert at dinner.
I can't be asked to cook tonight either so we are having fish and chips for a change I can not begin to tell you what a relief that is. I shall have to recover by morning though as tomorrow is bread day and also I have promised to make lasagne, perhaps it will be cooler tomorrow.........faint hope!
The flower garden is looking beautiful but it does need water. I hear there have been rumblings about a hosepipe ban but I shall not worry about that until it happens,”sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” as they say.
Having put all our rubbish out this morning for collection, and having carefully separated all the various bits in to their recycle boxes I was not best pleased to discover that a large proportion of the stuff had been left on the pavement. I suppose one of the bags must have burst and they did not feel like picking it up. It is not long since we had an epistle from the council exhorting us to ensure that foxes did not rip up the bags and that we should be fined if such a thing happened. This very sensible rule does not seem to apply to the people who collect the rubbish........no surprises there then!
On a happier note today I saw the young kingfishers again, they are such amazingly beautiful birds and it is said that they bring good luck to those who are lucky enough to see them, I think myself fortunate already,after all such wonders do not happen every day.
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