The war is raging and we are attacking the enemy on all fronts. My task has been made much easier by the help I have received from a team of unsung undercover heroes.(.they know who they are ) and I send them my grateful thanks for their timely help. If we fail it will not be their fault and their support means a great deal to me.
Today we have had problems with a group of irresponsible contractors who having amassed a huge pile of waste from the church refurbishment decided to set light to it right underneath a pair of beautiful old Lime trees. It was pouring with rain and the acrid smoke filled my kitchen and tipped me off at once. Pa was having a bad day and was fast asleep so I put on a mack, grabbed my crutches and head off to do battle. I was appalled to see the damage being done to the trees and pointed this out to the clueless wonder who was happily stoking the blaze. Then the BOSS arrived and asked what was going on,”Nothing.” said the clueless wonder. I told him that if he could not see the problem he needed glasses and again requested that the fire be extinguished. He looked at me as if I were an alien life form and said nothing so OI pointed out to him the size of the fine where illegal bonfires are concerned,that concentrated his mind wonderfully and the fire was soon out. However the damage had been done so having photographed the scene of the crime I went home and immediately emailed a copy to the relevant council department with, I must confess a rather sarcastic message to the twit in charge.
I have spent a large part of the day firing off emails to local counsellors,newspapers and members of parliament and I still have a way to go before I am finished. Pa eventually awoke in time for dinner and I did at least manage to do a little cleaning and some laundry today.
Dinner was a large cottage pie topped with red Leicester cheese with diced root vegetables and garden peas and large jug of gravy,followed by slices of lemon drizzle cake. The smell of my breakfast of kippers hung around for hours until I burned a couple of pungent incense stick, that cured it.
I hope I sleep tonight as I have lots to do tomorrow,some how I could not get to sleep last night,still I was warm and snug and had a stack of DVDs to watch and some very naughty sweeties.
I keep wondering what is going to happen next and I just pray that my hard won anonymity will not be compromised by my involvement in this fight. I take comfort from the fact that this is to important a cause for caution,so fight I must regardless.
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