W e all assembled for the protest against the felling of healthy trees on the local allotments,we waited for hours and no body came. A temporary reprieve we thought, but under cover of some building work being done at the church they slipped in by another route and felled the tree the woodpeckers have nested in for years and poisoned the roots of other trees. This was the answer to my email sent to the council yesterday asking them to take a more measured approach to the care of these important wildlife habitats. As some famous bod once said “We have only just begun to fight.” Plans are afoot, letters and emails are being sent to the press and various politicians in the hope that we can gain support. We have to stop this or the wild life in the area will soon be non existent. The bird survey I have been doing for the past couple of years will now be useful as it shows the marked decline in a number of already endangered species. I know I go one about this but it matters very much to me. I shall be busy as I and to write all these letters and they must be sent soon. I will of course keep you informed of our doings,unless of course I get arrested which seems likely as the council are intractable and we are determined; so when the irresistible force meets the immovable object I shall be chained to the allotment gates complete with buggie. The last time I got in trouble on a protest was in 1973 in Coventry when I threw my wooden 5” platform clog at the windows of the council offices in a huge demo about the cutting of student grants, after that I always made sure not to get caught but as I cannot run any more I may as well stand and fight as it were.
Breakfast was a quick meal of poached eggs on toast and them I went off to the protest meeting. On my return I had just begun to make two tray baked lemon drizzle cakes when a friend arrived so we had coffee and she stayed about an hour. By this time I only just had time to prepare a meal of sausages eggs and chips, a rare meal at our house but liked by all,and of course a slice or two of the new cake. Today I did not hoover the floor or steam the kitchen floor. I did not wash my hair or do any gardening whatsoever, it will keep. My little world is under attack and I will never give up the fight to protect it and all the creatures that live in it, whatever it takes.
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