We are all still feeling very sleep,lazy and disinclined to do very much of anything,and I discover that the peculiar lethargy is not confined to the members of this household. This afternoon my neighbour came round having left work early, he flopped down into a chair and complained of the exact symptoms that have been bedevilling the three of us, it,s all a bit weird.
We all took ages to get going this morning and when eventually I got around to baking some blueberry muffins for breakfast we sat drowsily round the table, almost too tired to eat. I cleared the kitchen and prepared the lamb joint for dinner,nothing elaborate, just a few sprigs of rosemary and a little rub with a clove of garlic. Then I went to Home base and brought myself a Lava Lamp having fallen in love with the one I got for my son yesterday.
Still feeling lazy I par-boiled some large potatoes and prepared a dish of garlic and potato layer with cream, it has a fancy French name which I can not spell.
I was trying to gather up enough will power to do some gardening when my neighbour appeared looking exactly how I felt, I gave him tea, cookies and sympathy and called my son down to have a chat about some books that the two of them have been selling on line. They have made quite a tidy sum between them and developed their friendship along the way. He had his net book with him and I fetched my little laptop as he was interested in some medieval cooking pots and tripods that I have been researching. I am thinking of opening up the living room fireplace,behind which there is a very large cavity ,putting in an open hearth and doing some cooking on it. When I was a child we often had to do this as in the wilds the power was often out for days,once it went off for three weeks, was reconnected and went off again half an hour later for another week .With the correct equipment anything can be cooked in this way.
My neighbour as it turns out has been considering the same plan so we had a merry couple of hours looking at fire cranes,tripods, bottle-jacks, Dutch ovens,hanging griddles and cauldrons, it was great fun. We traded some sloe gin and cherry vodka and then he went off to have a bath and I returned to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.
While all this was happening Pa was out buying himself a small set of basket work drawers to store his knick-knacks tidily away, a idea to which I gave great encouragement. It has to be faced that today Pa seems to have had more energy than the rest of us put together.
Dinner was lovely and we all agreed that we should eat lamb more often. We laughed,joked and chatted all through dinner with Pa joining in as he used to. After we had cleared the kitchen I went off to have a bath .
My lava lamp is now glugging away merrily and the cat is fascinated by its constant movement, well it stops her from watching too much television you know. My son and I have a show to watch tonight which will be fun. Pa hates T.V which is why we keep the dreaded goggle boxes upstairs
Pa is rearranging his desk tonight and seems brighter than he has been in ages, I am so happy, he is such a lovely man and it is easy to forget that when his mind is far away and he is someone else.
A few years ago he wrote a brilliant crime fiction novel, I have read all the top crime writers and I kid you not this was a scorcher and I was very impressed. Pa is so modest,he thinks I am just being kind,not so, it really is brilliant. He used to be so bright and funny and my son and I miss him very much. That is why today was so special, even though we all felt tired. I hardly dare to hope that the change in his medication may be beginning to take effect,all the same I do,hope.
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