I have had such a lovely day,nothing of any great import occurred but somehow it has been just the sort of day I like. My son got off to sleep in good time and was not at all disturbed by some noisy workmen how kept up a constant racket for a couple of hours. Pa was up early and we had a lazy breakfast of eggs and soldiers,orange juice and tea. After I had cleared the dishes I went to the shops while Pa fed the birds. It was so warm and sunny and I felt very happy as I went on my way. On my way home there were so many lovely things to look at. Masses of red berries on the cottoneasters, ripe apples on the crab apple trees and the ivy in full flower,its scent is heady on a warm day and the bees and other insects make the most of this late source of rich pollen. I am told that honey made by bees who have feasted upon ivy is the best honey there is, lavender honey is my favourite.
All afternoon the sun shone and I prepared a thyme and butter basted chicken for dinner with roast pepper salad, tomato salad shredded lettuce,carrot and two sauces,one creamy and the other spicy.
During these preparations yet another small bird,this time a Great Tit flew in to the living room and disappeared behind a book case. I was afraid that it would be hurt but we managed to retrieve it in one piece,and having removed the fluff from its pretty feathers I released it into the sunshine with relief. All through the afternoon the cat Twiggy slept in the garden occasionally moving to follow the sun as the day went by. The whole picture has been one of contentment and that is how I feel tonight, at peace with myself and happy in my little world. May there be many such days for all of us.
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