Today I received answers from some of the multitude of council members and members of the London Assembly whom I importuned last week. As I expected there has been a certain amount of buck passing but the good thing is that the members of the London Assembly know to whom the buck should be passed. This means that the relevant local councillors have heard about the matter,not just from me but from a number of London Assembly representatives and it seems to have done the trick. Our cause is being taken seriously at last and as the local councillors are all new brooms this will give them an opportunity to sweep clean the mess made by the previous incumbents. It is fortunate that things are moving at last as this afternoon the strimming gang returned to the grave yard to cut the non existent grass, this time I managed to photograph the whole stupid business complete with before and after shots, we need all the ammo we can get. I just hope that this will be the last time as the hedgehogs are beginning their hibernation and any disturbance to them could be fatal even if they survive being strimmed which I am sorry to report a few have not. The badgers are proving to be allies as no one wants to be accused of harming them so I shall of course forget about the damage to my salad beds earlier this year.
My son started his week off today, he is so tired this time that I am quite worried about him,he has been unwell all week and I have packed him off to bed early.
We had cheese oatcakes for breakfast,six each as we were all very hungry and then I set about bottling the wild cherry vodka made earlier this year,it smelled so good I could not resist the temptation to try a little.............wow! I is to be a Christmas gift for my son and by then it will have mellowed to perfection. I have also made him some raspberry vodka, his favourite.
Dinner tonight was chicken ,bacon and mushroom pie served with sweet potatoes in their jackets. I used chicken breast, although I prefer thighs for a pie as my son will only eat chicken breast, I had to be a bit crafty with the mushrooms too as he detests the poor things. All went well and he did not notice.........Phew!
I hardly slept at all last night and found myself watching “Species”and “The Fog” both of which I have seen before. Years ago my son and I had a weekly institution called “Fright Night”. The first time we watched “The Fog” we were alone in the house and it was I foggy November night. At intervals throughout the film there is a knock at the door and the poor soul who answers it is disembowelled by the ghost of an angry,long dead sailor. Things were getting pretty tense as we sat in the dark for the sake of atmosphere. Just as the ghost was about to take out the weather man somebody knocked on our door. Both of us jumped at least a foot in the air, and neither of us felt inclined to answer the door, to this day we have no idea who it was.
Tonight I shall try achohol as a sedative, as I cannot find anyone willing to hit me on the head with a lump hammer. Perhaps one of our coucil officials will oblige, if I ask them nicely,I think they would do almost anything to get rid of me for a while.
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