Friday, 10 September 2010


What a windy day this has been, we have been showered by twigs and leaves from the surrounding trees since lunch time and the cat has been sheltering from the flying debris for a large part of the day. The windmill in the vegetable garden has never spun so fast before and a few of our birds have been startled by it,s squeak is it whizzed round. I went into the garden to pick a few tomatoes and a large apple dislodged by the gale hit me on the head, it was the biggest apple from the Bramley so far this year,I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and I have the bump to prove it. I shall take revenge by turning it into a large apple cake on Sunday. Although the squashes have been disappointing this year the garden has produced the most amazing gourd I have ever seen. The first one was a tiny stripy thing but the one I picked today is all knobbly and bright green, it is also quite large, as some as my son returns with his camera I shall photograph if for you.
We had some poached eggs and toast for breakfast with tea and orange juice and the house smelled nicely of toast all morning. I made a blueberry jelly while Pa went into the village for some demarera sugar as I used the last bit in our milky coffee yesterday evening, I shall need some in my next batch of biscuits. My son comes home tomorrow and I can not make my ,mind up about what to bake, it is a close thing between between Pavlova or caramel short bread, perhaps I had better make both.
Pa and I are having steak pie for dinner tonight as it is a dish my son dislikes,or so I thought, it seems he had steak pie for lunch today,I confess myself amazed, when ever I suggest pie it always has to be chicken and bacon or rabbit or pigeon, I might just have something to say the next time he turns down a home made steak pie!
We had three unexpected visitors this afternoon which really slowed down the preparations for tomorrow, still it was lovely to have a break and a chat over a cup of tea and some freshly baked shortbread. I am looking forward to seeing my son tomorrow, he tells me he has not burned this time , he came back from his trip to Derbyshire a little on the crisp side! I shall be glad to grab his camera too as I am running out of new pictures for my blogs. The cat is demanding food with menaces so of am off to feed her, and then a good long soak in a nice hot bath is in order I think .Night night.

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