It is with a sigh of relief that I have a much quieter day to report,apart that is from the weather. The wind has torn through the trees today and has made the earache I acquired yesterday much worse,it is entirely my own fault for going out without a hat, I never learn! I intend to buy a white fur trapper hat this very day and shall be sure to put the ear flaps down no matter how ridiculous I look.
There has been no further action in the graveyard or on the allotments. We wondered if they would try to fell the trees while the weather is bad in the hope that the protesters would not be there,but as I live next door to both I am keeping an eye on things and will sound the alarm if anything occurs.
Today was a bread making day and I made two large cross tops and a twist, I think I shall make some London Particular soup tomorrow if the boys agree,it is perfect in this sort of weather and is lovely with new bread.
I also made 80 oat and treacle cookies,every one seems to like them and at the moment we are getting a lot of callers at the house, if I got caught with an empty biscuit tin I should never live it down. I was obliged to visit the pet shop as we had run out of peanuts and birdseed, this could not be countenanced as the bids have a habit of banging on the windows if food is not forthcoming and they are quite capable of waking my son. As I mentioned before I got blown to blazes and the bright yellow rain poncho I was wearing flapped about like anything causing a good deal of amusement to passers by. I dropped in at the local shops as I needed a few bits and pieces and managed to get some really good granary flour for Monday,s bread.
I am glad of this breathing space as the pace of this week has taxed my strength buy also I feel exhilarated by the fact that things are moving at last. So far non of my letters to the press have been published but all our local councillors and London Assembly members have had their cages well and truly rattled and I await their replies with interest ,although I expect a degree of buck passing even that is ammo in a fight such as this.
Pa has been a little better today, he ate a good breakfast and pottered about which was nice to see.
He did however try to get a half pound if leaf tea into a very small caddy and I am still finding tea leaves in some very odd places............very odd indeed!
The cat has spent the whole day asleep under a table lamp and is now curled up on the bed with her
nose tucked under her tail, she hates bad weather poor dear. The beautiful Lime tree outside my window is turning gold so fast that I can almost see it changing hour by hour. During the night it lost a lot of leaves and I hope they will not all blow away too quickly as they make a wonderful show in the Autumn,particularly with the sun lighting them from behind. For me it is one of the sights of the year. I used to hate Autumn but as I grow older I welcome it as a rest from the busy time of gardening and fruit preserving, it has been a hectic year. I hope to get some of the Autumn digging done soon, I have fallen behind rather for various reasons and it won't do. I have a special tool for digging given to me by a retired gardener and it makes light work of the job. I just need more hours in the day. To all those who like my son must be awake tonight keep warm, and stay safe.
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