Sunday, 12 September 2010

An extraordinary Sunday

Today we had a real old fashioned Sunday complete with a lazy breakfast of eggs and soldiers and a proper Sunday meal,nothing rushed ,we have so few of these that they are a real treat when we do get them and we all make the most of it. After breakfast I popped up to the garden centre and bought a lovely tea cosy for two pounds fifty,a real bargain and we do need a new one as winter approaches. On my return I found the men of the house congregated in the kitchen drinking tea with the neighbours so I joined them in a cup before beginning the preparation for our main meal.
First I made two Pavlova cases and while they were baking prepared the pork by cutting off the ribs and rubbing in oil salt and brown sugar, the ribs I fried quickly and then simmered for three hours in some stock, they will be the basis of a hearty soup tomorrow. Next I stuffed an orange pepper with tomato and garlic and prepared a tray of parsnip,carrot and baby squash to roast along with some jacket wedges. I decorated the Pavlova with shavings of dark chocolate,caramel chocolate and white chocoloate. I did make a fresh rapberry jelly for tomorrow as it needs a day to set properly I find. I took a ride this afternoon, it was warm and sunny with a delicious breeze that was most refreshing after some hours in the hot kitchen As a northerner used to living in the wild hills of Derbyshire I find the heat of London oppressive at times,of course the winters are milder which is an advantage to an arthritis sufferer, even so I enjoyed the snow last year perhaps more than an adult should,I have always loved snow.
Our meal was a success and my son enjoyed it all the more because he has been away for a while and rather likes my cooking. I have loved today am sorry to see it end but of course days such as this would not be so precious if we had them all the time.
At one point this afternoon we had quite a large crowd on the road looking in a t the garden, at first we were baffled as the garden looks very dull at the moment. Then we realised the they were admiring the cat Twiggy who was posing very prettily on the sundial in the centre of the garden,she knows as do all cats how to show themselves off to the best advantage.
For some reason I could not make my little laptop post a picture with last nights blog. I hope to have more luck tonight as I have lots of new photographs some of them taken by my son while at Avebury. I do hope your weekend was as pleasant as ours and I send good fortune for next week.

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