A short trip on the buggie this afternoon proved very useful and heartening. I believe I have mentioned my on going battle with my local council about the will full destruction of the wildlife habitat in my area. I had thought that I was fighting this battle alone,today I discovered a group who are also fighting the same seemingly hopeless battle and on Wednesday we intend to join forces. It seems that the council are sending in a team of contractors to fell yet more trees on the allotments a few yards away from where I live. We intend to make their job as hard as possible and so if all goes well I and my buggie will be chained to a tree by the time they arrive. I feel very strongly about this and have seem the devastating effect that has already been caused to the wild life in the area by the indiscriminate destruction of trees and hedges. Hounslow Council, like many London Boroughs professes to be a green borough, they go in for high profile and expensive initiatives to prove it and then while no one is looking they clear trees, poison hedges and engage in all manner of destructive practices. As long as they look good they do not care, we are going to try to make them care. I am so happy to find that I am not alone in the fight, I was beginning to feel like the archetypal dotty old lady riding her hobby horse to the bitter end and I must say I have been treated as such by the authorities. Now it,s payback time, Me and my buggie weigh quite a lot so they will have to take me out on a forklift truck if they want me to move,it should be quite a sight.
My son and his friends had a great time last night and some of them were back today for the Sunday game. We did not get much sleep last night as Pa was on the Prowl. I heard a strange noise at about two in the morning and went to investigate. There were no lights on upstairs and yet there was a considerable kerfuffle in the bathroom, Grabbing my machete, which I always keep by my bed I went to investigate, I knew the bath room window was open and thought that perhaps a burglar had climbed up the vine and got in. I switched on the light and sprang into action only to discover Pa sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor having collided with a chair in the dark. When asked why he was in the dark he answered that he had not put the light on for fear of disturbing those of us who were asleep, this explanation met with scant gratitude from those of us who were now wide awake. Having settled Pa down again we all tried to go back to sleep............and tried...........and tried. I eventually gave up and lay watching the 24 hour news,a sure sign of desperation. It was a bleary eye trio who sat down to breakfast this morning but the grumbling was soon muffled by the delicious hot crumpets and jammy croissant. My neighbour came round with a huge dish of his very wonderful cauliflower cheese and although I was cooking pasta tonight I had that instead,although I hate to say it his is nicer than mine, he is a very good cook and we are always swapping dishes of this and that. I hope to have more luck tonight with the old R and R if Pa can be persuaded to keep quiet, My poor son has to stay awake if possible on Sunday night to acclimatise himself to Mondays night shift,frankly I can not see him managing it after last nights performance.
I can not believe the holiday is over,we have all enjoyed the break from routine. Back to work tomorrow, “A barrel organs life is all grind” as they say.
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