A consequence of an unusually delightful Sunday has left us all confused about the day of the week. I hurried to write out the fortnightly shopping list and my son rushed to book oslot on line thinking that today was Tuesday. I took a very early call from Pa's physio therapist who wanted to come and visit and made a complete Horlicks of arranging a date for the same reason. Poor Pa was as confused as the rest of us and to make matters worse we kept on forgetting and had to keep reminding each other of the day only to forget again the next moment. I gave up at lunch time and stopped worrying about it.
My son made breakfast this morning, lovely soft golden oatcakes covered in melted cheese,and rolled up to be dipped in fruity sauce,we were all hungry and ate six each! The day looked gray so I went out at once to buy some baskets, lidded sea grass ones,they are wonderful for storing magazines, catalogues and sewing things. My old sewing basket is now so old and decrepit that I have been hiding it an a cupboard for months. Now I have anew one at last,one that is big enough to hold all my sewing things as well as craft knives and other sundries.
While I was out I picked up a compendium of fifty games for the ridiculous sum of two pounds fifty,I did not expect much from this and was pleasantly surprised to find the boards and counters were quite good ,my son and I played a few games this afternoon as it was wet,we had intended to fly his miniature helicopters but the weather was against us, we had great fun and hope to have more time tomorrow to try a few more games.
The soup made from yesterdays spare ribs was lovely, I added lots of fresh vegetables finely diced and as many types of lentils split peas beans and barley as I could, it turned out to be a real old fashioned broth and the men loved it. The raspberry jelly too was a success and disappeared quickly
.We still have a week of holiday left and although we are at home we are going to make the most of it by having special meals and treats and playing games which we all love to do.
I hope my little cat comes up to bed tonight, last night she slept beside me for quite a while and I do love to hear her purring,somehow it makes the bed seem even softer and cosier,that,s cat magic.
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