It has been a funny sort of day, none of us could seem to settle to anything so we tatted about here and there and this is what happened.
Breakfast was lovely, boiled eggs and granary bread with orange juice and a pot of tea. Yesterday I was given a new recipe book called The Bread Bible. There are breads from all nations some of which I know and many that are new to me. I shall be baking my way through the book starting this week. There are some wonderful continental Christmas breads, spiced and colourful with glossy candied fruits and these I can not wait to try.
Back to this morning, Pa was very confused when He woke and I think it upset my son rather as he as not see Pa quite this bad before. He appeared not to recognise the poor boy at all, this has happened to me a few times and it is certainly most disconcerting when it does. Fortunately Pa came to himself quickly and things were back to normal by the time we ate.
It was decided that my son and I should pop up to Home base as they have a large selection of Lava lamps in stock and I am buying one as a Christmas gift for my son. There was so much choice that we almost chose two but were sensible enough to eventually chose a gorgeous yellow ,red and purple one. We switched it in to make sure it was working and once it began to glug we all stood around staring like goldfish a t the spectacle., It takes several hours to warm up to full gloopiness but by evening it was really going strong.
My son decided to have the lamp now rather than for a Christmas gift so now I shall have to come up with a new idea. I already have the most enormous shaggy black Mongolian fur throw you ever saw, I can hardly lift the blessed thing , two corduroy shirts, a very soft bath robe and two pairs of his favourite shoes, Oh and a pair of really nice display cases for his Russian Medal collection, I have been ordered not to buy any more coats as he has too many, actually he has quite a few he does not wear at all. It,s a pity because I had thought of buying him an Inverness cape to go with the deer stalker hat, Sherlock Holmes style,now I shall have to reconside
I digress. On our return we decided to play ludo, not a good idea as I almost always win, my son was so set upon wiping me from the board that he did not notice that Pa had almost won until it was to late and we were both soundly thrashed .Then came more lava lamp watching, they really are compelling things.
The rain which had just held off while we were out came down in torrents and poor old puss was not at all pleased. She sat in the window with a sulky air and refused all offers of food or cuddles. She was not “so standoffish last night. She spent ages sitting on my desk watching a clip from “Laurel and Hardy,s” “Way Out West”. I had to keep pressing the repeat button time and time again. The first time I forgot she stood up, looked at the computer and began to press the keyboard with her paw, I suspect that she will soon be writing her own blog. I wonder what she will say about me?
This blog is a load of waffle today I am sorry to say, but it has been, in the end a lovely, funny,family day. We had toad in the hole for dinner with baked beans, very quick and perfect for such a grotty evening as this as been. Pa is much better this evening and we are opening large tin of Roses chocolates tonight as we have a show to watch. I think the problem today is that we are all rather sleepy., still we all agree that it is wonderful to be together having a good tome and making plans .Where ever you are stay snug and be happy.
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