What a truly dreadful day it has been, wet windy and dark, I am sure it never really got light at all.
We had a delivery of groceries this morning quite early and we were all up in good time to deal with it,even Pa bless him was on hand to do his bit. Next came breakfast,lovely soft oatcakes smothered in melted cheese......yum....with tea and orange juice. As usual during breakfast my son and I indulged in a little light political sparring, our opinions differ considerably. Pa and I come from a long line of fighting lefties as they are wont to be called somewhat disparagingly today while my son is of a different persuasion.
Fortunately it causes no trouble between us but thank the Gods my mother knows nothing about it. When I first began to go out with boys,many years ago my mother said “I don,t care what colour he is, I don,t care what his faith is but don,t dare bring a conservative boy in to this house.” This was not the usual advice given to daughters by their mama,s back then and she meant what she said. The son of a wealthy builder had a crush on me and asked my father if he could take me out, father thought about it for a moment and the said “Sorry young man but you,re the wrong sort for my lass.” The young man, baffled replied “ My father is very well off sir, and he,s a member of the local council.” “ Yes said my father, and he,s a bloody Tory Councillor too.”
I was told not to encourage the poor boy and if the truth be told I was glad to be rid of him, he always smelled of shoe polish,but can you imagine a young girl of today,s remarks if her parents told her to ditch a boy for any reason ,let alone one as ridiculous as that. After that I kept my affairs,as it were to myself, I went underground as they say!
These days it hardly matters what party you support, there is only centre right, right, far right and extreme right. Do not be fooled by Milliband secundus attempt to convince us that he is an old fashioned socialist, he is every bit the same far right Blairite as Milliband primus.
Incidentally , why are people so afraid of socialism, what on earth is wrong in wanting a square deal and a fair shake,.I think it has become a matter of class, if you vote labour you are working class, if you vote Tory you are middle or upper class, it,s an aspirational thing. That is why Tony Blair,(may the flea,s of a thousand hedgehogs infest his underpants) took the Labour party so far right that the Tories that they had to soften their own image in order to look different. Enough of this frippery.
After breakfast I made the days bread and then we set about the Friday chores. Friday is the day when we all clean our rooms, that is I my son cleans his bedroom,Pa cleans out the budgie and I do all the rest. Today all went well and we finished in good time, which is not usually the case.
The house looks so cosy with its lamps and soft rugs and we treated ourselves to coffee and brandy when all the work was done. Twiggy spent almost the whole day asleep on one bed or another purring like anything, she loves to be snug.
Dinner was a no cook meal of new bread, lots of different cheeses and cooked meats , toast and pate and a pork pie and salad, washed down with a big jug of St Clements. There is always a feeling of relief when the work is done and we were all very happy though tired,and enjoyed the lovely relaxed feeling of no more chores and the satisfaction of all having all done our part well. Pa was a hero today, we needed some stuff from the chemist and he volunteered to go out in the pouring rain so that we could get on with the work, so we gave him a vote of thanks during dinner.
Tonight my son and I will watch a show and Pa says he wants an early night, It will be lovely to snuggle down under the cosy quilt and drift off to sleep with the sound of the rain on the windows and the swish of cars going through the puddles in the lane.. Night Night.
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