I have joined the cat in deploring the foul weather of the past few days,only because today I had occasion to have to go out in the wind and rain. But back to the beginning of the day.
Things got off to a good start in spite of the fact that some Tom fool rang my number at three thirty this morning and woke me up so thoroughly that I did not sleep again all night. My lovely son made a breakfast of toasted crumpets and croissant for us and then I cleared the kitchen ready for today,s game. Pa went out in the rain to feed the birds bless him, he has to be really ill before he misses this daily task. We had used up all the fat balls so I went up to the garden centre to buy some, they are very important to our small birds as last the whole day and the squirrels find it difficult to take them. It was not raining too hard as I left but soon it came down in torrents and I was glad that I had worn the waterproof poncho.
I made my purchase and had a quick look a t the Christmas decoration display in the hope that the rain would stop,of course it got even worse but I was happy because I found a beautiful white robin for our tree,about which more in the future.
The journey back was horrible, the wind was so strong that it got under the poncho and I blew up like a balloon, I must have looked very funny as I flapped down the lane. By the time I returned the game was well under way and after I had dried off I went upstairs to wash my hair and tackle the huge pile of ironing which had accumulated during the week. It made a depressing sight as I piled it on the bed and got ready to begin. It took and age to finish and several large cups of coffee to keep me going. When it was all done I decided to sort out my research for the conservation group and as I sat down to begin there was a power cut, how tiresome I thought, and how typical.
Since my plans were now wrecked I decided to go to Home Base to buy a C.D rack for my son. The rain had stopped and I looked forward to the fresh air, about half way there and right on cue the heavens opened and the rains came. I decided to press on, collected the item and set out for home, the rain stopped as I arrived at my front door and the cat, who had also decided to go out was waiting on the doorstep looking very woebegone and even wetter than I was.
My son was very pleased with the C.D rack and the poor cat and I went upstairs to dry out, apparently the power had come back on about five minutes after I left the house
and then went off again; I thanked the Gods that we were ordering a Chinese take away for dinner.
Thankfully the power came back on and I sat down to work, there was not much time left but I managed to get some work done and the cat and I warmed up nicely in the cosy bedroom, both of us decided not to go out again, rather late in the day if you ask me.
The days game went well and the heroes departed well pleased with the mayhem and slaughter of the day, it seems to me that it is a very good way of letting off steam with no harm done and a great deal of fun all round. The kitchen looked as if a tornado had passed through but we soon set every thing to rights and by the time our take away arrived the table was set and the plates were warming in the oven. I am afraid that my choice of meal is almost always sweet and sour prawn balls with a pork chow mien, Pa is more adventurous and this time he ordered duck with cashew nuts and mange tout with a dish of egg fried rice and my son ordered chicken cow mien, and sweet and sour chicken and of course we had prawn crackers and some crispy spring rolls. I must say it was a treat not to have any cooking to do. We finished with raspberry and cranberry jelly and very nice it was.
It has been a funny sort of week, all of us tired and the weather so dreadful but I suppose the bad weather is a foretaste of what is to come. It is really not so bad to be mewed up in a cosy place with nice food and good company, I feel very lucky, to have these things and I am sure that to be happy today is a great gift, some people spend all their lives hoping for some possible future good fortune and forget to be happy now, not that I would mind a win on the lottery, who wouldn't.
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