Here,s a funny thing, within less than ten minutes of my laying a curse upon Microsoft the problem disappeared and my little lap top returned to its usual user friendly self, my son says he hopes it was a coincidence as he finds the whole business very spooky. It must be said that I do have previous as far as curses are concerned. It began when as a child , a neighbour who had blocked up all the styles on his land even though they were part of an ancient right of way,which put an extra mile on my journey to the village was standing on the roof of his newly completed bungalow and I said to my mother”Just watch,he will fall through the roof in a minute.” Just as I finished speaking he did . To say that my mother was shaken is an understatement. The man broke a couple of toes but my point was made. Years later when Pa was a health service administrator he had to give a presentation to a rather unpleasant district administrator. He had not been given anything like enough time and needed another week to complete his statistics. I told him not to worry, and that the meeting would be cancelled,as indeed it was, due to the fact that the D.A. was having an enormous boil lanced in A and E and went home to recover. Two days later the meeting was again postponed as the D.A was indisposed with a dose of the runs. Pa gave a brilliant presentation the following week and the rotten old D.A was unable to find fault with any of it even though it was his habit to be hyper critical. There have been a few others, but I have learned to control my temper now,just in case. I have been told that a great great grandmother of mine was renown for the laying of curses so perhaps it is hereditary.
We managed to get Pa off to the doctor this morning only twenty minutes late and that is nothing short of miraculous, typical however was the inordinate amount of time it took him to return,still better late than never on both counts.
My son has ordered the new bed and we are told it will arrive tomorrow......hum.....I've heard that one before. Wisely he has decided not to take the old one apart until the new one has arrived, I just hope it arrives early as if it has to be housed overnight I can not for the life of me think where we shall put the blessed thing. We are still cluttered up with zimmer frames and walking aides, what we need is a T.A.R.D.I.S.
I made bread us usual today and we had a very rich roast vegetable and tomato soup for dinner with the bread and a raspberry jelly for afters, I made a huge pan full and will freeze some for my son to take to work next week, tomato is his favourite
My toe is still swollen but thankfully I have very little feeling in my right foot so I am managing to get about quite well. It is my intention to have an early night if possible, mindful of course of my previous remarks about best laid plans I am not holding my breath!
It looks as if we have won the battle of the churchyard and the allotment,I will tell all tomorrow.
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