First thing this morning I checked my emails and was delighted to discover yet another councillor offering to take up the cudgel on behalf of our beleaguered wild life. After ages banging away suddenly things are moving and I can hardly believe my luck. Pa and I were having a celebratory breakfast of poached eggs and toast when we heard the tell tale sound of strimmers in the church yard. I was surprised as they only cut it two weeks ago. Still in my pyjamas I hopped on the buggie and sped off to see what was happening, sure enough they were at it again. The young man explained that he had been told that in future it was to be done every two weeks instead of every four. He was not at all happy about it and when I told him that we were trying to get the strimming stopped he told me that he had felt unhappy about doing the job as he had been told to remove all the remaining undergrowth and ivy,and was quite aware that this was the wrong thing to do. I am quite sure that the idiot in charge at the council offices will soon be obliged to amend her scorched earth policy, we can only hope. I know that the Environment people are on her case so it can only be a matter of time.
Having returned from my impromptu jaunt I cleared the kitchen and set off to by some fresh fish. I am making a fish pie tomorrow and so I purchased some salmon some whitting and some very large prawns,also some spring onions and lemon grass for the sauce. It is a dish we all enjoy,even my son who is not very fond of fishy things as a rule.
By the time I returned the physio man had been and left behind him quite an array of support for Pa,this comprised of two zimmer frames with wheels on the front, for indoors and a very large three wheeled device complete with handle bars, brakes and a built in shopping bag but no seat. Pa was sitting in the middle of this lot looking bemused and after I had climbed over the blessed things and gained a small space in the living room I could see why. Our house is not large and keeping the floors clutter free with two disabled people in the house is essential,and now thanks to social services impossible. We have a small hall and this is mostly taken up with my sons size thirteen shoe and boot collection,which is rather large, so we could not store them there. Since Pa never goes anywhere with out the buggy the wheelie frame is no use at all . I took one of the other frames to the bathroom and left the other in the kitchen. Needless to say Pa has not used them and I do not think he ever will. I asked him why he had not mentioned the fact that we had the buggy for out door use, he told me that the man who brought them would not let him get a word in edgeways. Trust me to be out, we were not expecting the man until next week. Pa is as overwhelmed by the amount of support he now has as I was this morning. My son fell over the one in the bathroom and assures me that if things carry on as they are he will be using the frames himself,so all is not lost!
During the course of the day I have acquired a very large bruise on my toes and foot,s I have very little feeling in my toes it is not too painful but it looks awful and Pa thinks I may have broken my toe. I shall put a cold compress on it tonight and see what happens, one thing is certain, I have no intention of spending a lovely sunny autumn day parked in A and E,no,noway and never!
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