I find myself asking that question more and more often these days. On the face of it the theory of natural selection sounds reasonable, survival of the fittest, evolution..........hum.............I wonder? If Darwin was correct in his idea,s then how the devil do you explain the large number of clueless twerps that infest the planet buggering things up for the rest of us, with their stubborn stupidity?
I have ,in the past two or three weeks encountered some absolutely mind boggling nonsense in both word and deed from people in all walks of life. Outrageous ignorance, stubborn bigotry, and general
want of basic intelligence from people in positions of power and trust, who's business it is to make our lives better, and doing the exact opposite.
I was almost blown up yesterday by an electrician, who,s knowledge of his chosen skill I was foolish enough to trust. The cooker hood fan had exploded and he had been sent to replace it, thinking to save money he tried to fix it. Now when I tell you that the initial explosion was sufficient to blow the bulb to pieces, crack the plastic bulb cover and melt the bulb fitting you might , if you had half a brain, conclude that there was something seriously wrong with the appliance.... not this candidate for annihilation. He put in a new bulb and in spite of all my warnings blew the blasted thing up again taking quite a few of our other lights with it! We had been waiting for this repair for eleven months as the electrician told us he was having trouble getting the spares from Japan. Today I spent ten minutes on line and not only found the part readily available at a number of outlets but also discovered the reason why the bathroom fan, also fitted by these clowns makes such a racket. They had insisted that this was normal, not so, according that is to the people who make them.
Now what do we conclude from this, perhaps that I possess super intelligence, or is it more likely that I have been dealing with a bunch of total morons, I favour the latter option.
On a different tack, I am still trying to get rid of the van load of zimmer frames and other large walking aides that we told the physio therapist we had no use for before he ordered them. I suppose in his case it was just a matter of ticking the boxes......job done.
Two occupational therapists who,s recommendations have turned out to be a plank across the bath,and two huge hand rails at the front door which will totally block the side entrance. This will mean we shall be unable to get around to the dustbins and the back garden......very clever. I am still trying to get their instructions countermanded.
I have a question, How do these people manage to breath unaided? Heaven only knows what disorganised lives they must lead, and to make matters worse they are so sure that they are right and know what is best for others, and what is worse, they are incapable of listening to a word you say. Selective deafness.
So if Darwin is right, How did the ancestors of these clot heads manage to survive and reproduce? How do they obtain responsible positions and even more perplexing how do they keep them?
They only survive because the rest of us are too lazy to kick their ignorant backsides out and do better ourselves. You must have noticed that it takes a particular kind of ass to become upper mange met, do not try to tell me you have never wondered what your boss uses for brains. These people appear to have all the intelligence of badly programmed computers and parrot the same phrases whether they are appropriate or not. They are totally confused by the simplest questions and became bolshy because some one has had the temerity to ask. It is a matter of.“I am not programmed to answer this question.” How long I wonder will it be before they actual start saying it?
Perhaps we should try having them programmed with Asimov's three laws of robotics!
End of rant.
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