As I predicted the day has been extremely busy, also, as I predicted the repair men did not arrive and will now attend on Monday. It seems that having now running water and a grill that flashes sparks is “not a priority,and they only attend emergencies next day”. I have a cupboard full of large rockets and I know where I should like to put at least one of them!
The groceries arrived in good time and we put everything away and had breakfast, I had already made three loaves and so the day was going well, too well. First there was a mix up about where the meeting of the conservation group was to take place, some went to the allotments and others went off to the pub......vastly more suitable in my humble opinion.....finally we were all assembled in the same place and the meeting opened. I am filled with admiration for our secretary, how she manages to write up the minutes with everyone talking at once I can not tell. She stays cool and calm
My next job is to write to the London Bat Society as we have a very rare breed of bat in our area, we hope to enlist there help in putting up some bat boxes. Then I have been asked to contact the Bishop and find out why our vicar is allowing such mayhem to be wrought in the grave yard, she is cross at the moment as she is getting flack form the council, she ain't seen nothing yet.
On my return home , rather later than I had hoped,the meat order had arrived from Devon,the butchers name is Gribble and I heartily recommend his on line service to any one who enjoys good meat, try this and you will never eat super market meat again........and no I do not have shares in the company.
With the meat all packed safely into the freezers we all got on with our chores, Pa did the bins, my son hoovered and I followed behind him with the steamer, working together it was soon finished.
We were all starving so it was lucky that there was no cooking to do, we had our usual cold meats and cheeses with crusty bread, lots of salad,olives and sun dried tomatoes,our little cat loves lamb so she was in attendance at the feast. As I write she is sitting beside me on the desk worshipping the lava lamp and tinkering with a hair band,she is so beautiful and very clever, she has learned how to press repeat play on I tube and has phoned me on Pa,s mobile twice in the last week. I shall not blame you if you don't believe me, I would not believe it myself if we had not caught her in the act . Amazing, and troublesome at two in the morning.
I an quite looking forward to tomorrow it will I hope be peaceful and relaxing...............I hope!
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