This morning when I checked my emails I was thrilled to find I had been contacted by a member of The London Assembly. He wrote that he is tabling a question at the Assembly on our behalf and has the backing of other members. Even more amazing is the news that he has asked The Environmental people to contact our local council to instruct them in the correct approach to the wildlife in the area. I can not tell you how relieved I am that we have at last gained the interest of someone with clout. I was so exited and I actually cried at one point because this matters so much to me. The Conservation group now has some official backing and I thank the Gods for it as we need all the help we can get.
Yesterday I discovered that someone known to us has been cutting down trees in the church yard under the pretence of doing conservation work in order to fuel his wood burning stove. This person sits on a number of conservation committees and I wrote to one of them telling them what was happening but not mentioning the fact that it was one of their committee doing the damage. I got a very snotty reply telling me that it was a matter for the police and advising me to call them at once.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when his sarcastic advice comes home to roost!
The nice ladies from social services came to see us this afternoon and are hopeful that they will be able to help us with the stairs and the bath, it would be wonderful if so as life is becoming increasingly difficult with every passing day. I just hope we can stay in our lovely little house with its pretty gardens I am not sure I could live in a flat even though there would be no stairs. Pa and I told them that we had no intention of giving up and after they had sat looking out into the garden and watching the birds they seemed to understand why we feel as we do.
A good friend of ours turned up unexpectedly this afternoon and the poor soul insisted on sitting in the garden while the two ladies from Social Services were here. She took with her tea and cookies and it was just as well that she had provisions as they were here for ages. Her news was also good as it seems that she has a very good change of a job quite soon, she was recently made redundant, like so many these days.
During a short lull and today,s proceedings I managed to bake six dozen butter cookies half decorated with cherries and the other half with walnuts, I have put some in a safe place for my sons friends on the weekend as after four dozen vanished before yesterdays ravening hoards I am taking no chances with this batch.
It has been an eventful day, in fact the whole week has been full of incident and I am very weary tonight but oh so happy. I shall not care if I can not sleep tonight as I have so many good things to think about and so many blessings to count, so many that perhaps it will work in the same way as counting sheep, who knows.
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