We all get days like this from time to time, I seem to get more of them as I get older,my memory is getting as dodgy as my knees! At first light when I switched on my laptop I discovered that two of the urgent e mails I sent out last night had bounced (my mistake) which I corrected at once. Now comes the big mistake. Friday is usually a busy day, getting the house ready for my sons weekend guests, the fortnightly shop arrives and has to be put away, and this weekend I foolishly ordered two months meat to arrive on Friday morning, and I had the bread to make for the weekend. I thought I might as well get it over with. No problem, until I discovered as soon as the order was confirmed that the conservation group meeting was not on Sunday as I had thought , but on Friday at twelve thirty. “Oh blow.” I said and “Botheration.” I then set about trying to do as many of tomorrows chores as possible whilst cooking a rather labour intensive dinner of rosemary lamb with potatoes daupinois , steamed savoy cabbage, carrot s and garden peas I was spread rather thin as you can imagine but I managed to get most of the work done and the meal ready by five forty five
I observed during the course cleaning the bathroom that the laundry baskets were overflowing and upon investigation found a large amount of outer garments some of which I have been looking for for ages,.Who done it? I have no idea but I can take a wild guess.
The repair men for the cooker and the tap did not arrive and their boss said he had not received my emails and that I must have sent them to the wrong address. This is an excuse of which I am getting very tired of hearing as I know this is not the case. To test weather I had indeed made a mistake I sent a very rude message telling him what I thought of his excuses. The answer I received was very prompt, I rest my case.
Pa is much better today and we all feel happy to see him looking relaxed , he is still much too thin and I am going to have a hard time feeding him up while my son and I are both on diets, still I like a challenge.
Good news, I have just hared that the plumber and the electrician are coming tomorrow,Frankly I shall believe it when it happens as I know their promises of old. Dinner was lovely and my little cat was delighted with her share of the meal as lamb is a favourite,second only to any type of game,pheasant in particular.
Tomorrows meeting will be interesting as it happens that several people who usually attend have phoned or emailed in their apologies today, for instance, the woman responsible for using poison on the allotments, the church warden who may yet be prosecuted for the damage to trees and nest sites and one or two others who have been given a hard time by the local authorities;who are themselves looking for scapegoats. These people normally attend on order to ridicule our efforts, I am sure it is just chance that they are all unable to come to the meeting. I am guilty of gloating I know but after all the hard work a little very personal chuckle is ,I hope allowed. I shall be very happy if we can at last have the church yard and the wild things in it left in peace at last, that is far more important than any personal triumph could ever be.
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