Yehaa, hooray and hallelujah, my Yahoo mail box is working again, I do not know for how long but at least I have been able to send out thank you,s to the London Assembly members who have been so helpful to our campaign to save our local wildlife. To paraphrase Henry Hobson ( Hobson,s Choice) there has been a gradual decrease of upishness towards me on the part of both the local authority and our elected councillors . They are now falling over backwards to be helpful, offering to attend our meetings and declaring their enormous concern about the goings on in the church yard. So many different people are now “looking in to it “ that I am in danger of loosing track of them all.
I can not tell you what a relief it is, I am hoping now that all the letter writing has been done that I shall be able to take a back seat and let others take over. I am fine when it comes to letter writing but useless at stamping about on allotments and stravaging about in churchyard,especially now as my broken toe is not healing well. We have some fantastic people in our group who are much better qualified than I and frankly much less likely to get cross with refractory council members.
Our new printer arrived yesterday ,Pa was still asleep and my son was in the bath when it arrived so that I was obliged to answer the door in my dressing gown. The printer is a Pixma mp560, whatever that means,according to my son, who chose the beast it scans prints and produces photographs as well, it's all Greek to me , I am a child in these matters. It will have to wait until Monday to be set up as my son is the only member of the household capable of fiddling with it. It will make a huge difference to me as I shall now be able to give out copies of my research and so forth instead of sending endless emails.
We had a great deal of post yesterday the new remote control for the T.V arrived(the old one was drowned in coffee). My new vegetable knife arrived (the old one was thrown out with the potato peelings last week). My new mouse arrived only now of course I do not need one but as Pa is getting a lap top for Christmas we will not have to buy one for him, so that works out well.
I started to make the short bread yesterday morning and discovered that I had no cornflour,as good short bread cannot be made without it I trundled off to Tesco. Great grief what a nightmare, the queues at the check outs looked like the gates of hell on judgement day. On my return I discovered that I was also out of icing sugar,I cheated, I put twelve ounces of granulated in the grinder for a few minutes and hey presto, icing sugar and I am happy to report that it worked well. Any thing to avoid another trip to purgatory! I made a raspberry jelly and pottered about doing odd jobs. We had a cheese and bacon pasta for dinner last night, nice and easy and not much prep.
Last night Twiggy and I curled up in bed and listened to the rain out side, it was a lovely cosy feeling and it made being unable to sleep a real pleasure, a sleep cat is just about the cosiest thing in the world I think.
Today I spent almost the whole day in the kitchen making first two dozen buckwheat pancakes and them six dozen oat cakes, these will be used in next weeks meals and if the number of breakfast guests is up to the usual average it will be well that I made lots. The only problem today has been thee large abscess which has appeared on of my fingers. It hurts like the devil and if it knocks against any thing it produces a marked deterioration in my usual genteel vocabulary! Still it was lovely to be filling the freezer with goodies, very satisfying.
I had promised my son a chicken pomadori for dinner and as Pa and I do not care for it I made us a simple dish of steamed salmon steaks with fennel, orange and parsley which I served with plain boiled potatoes.. carrot and courgette slivers and a sauce made with crème fraiche, eggs and parsley with the salmon juices added. We had the raspberry jelly to follow, we seem to have a craze for jelly at the moment.
Tomorrow is the start of my sons week at home and that means lots of cooking lots of eating and lots of fun. It is so special to us all that we really look forward to our family time, we still play games like a bunch of children. Believe it of not, only three years or so ago, before Pa and I turned into old crocks, we spent several evenings over Christmas playing hide and seek in the dark. It is great fun but deadly dangerous when you have consumed a good deal of gin. I got trapped in a cupboard and had to be winched out! It was a wonderful Christmas, silly but wonderful.
Have a happy week, where ever you are.
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