Do you remember that I said yesterday that I expected to be busy today......busy just does not describe today,s goings on at all. To begin with I made the bread as soon as my son had gone
to bed and by the time it was finished Pa was up dressed and ready for his breakfast.
We had been expecting our neighbour but as he often sleeps late on his day off we were not worried by his absence. The poached eggs on toast went down very well and I began to clear up as Pa headed off for his latest siege at the hospital. I was half way through making a large batch of butter biscuits when my neighbour arrived for his breakfast. While the second batch of biscuits cooked he tackled the first batch with enjoyment as I made him a stack of hot buttered toast and poached some more eggs. It is a real pleasure to cook for him on his mornings off as he is so kind to us. He is trimming the vines that grow up the house walls next week,a job that we could not possibly do ourselves, he just volunteered,and that is what is so nice,I do not even have to ask.
I was expecting the maintenance gang but they too were a little late and as my neighbour wanted a word with them I told him I would give him a call when they arrived. I began once again to clear the table and once that was done I put some bay leaves,crushed garlic and whole peppercorns into a litre of milk to infuse over a low heat for the white sauce. I was half way through making the meat sauce when there was a knock a the door,it was the chairman of our conservation group with his lovely wife. This was welcome although unexpected and I ushered them in to the kithen,put the kettle on and offered biscuits. We chatted about things in general for about half an hour but before we could get down to business the trio of artisans (and they really are) arrived. These guys really do know there stuff and they soon sorted out what needed to be done and as it was about their break time I made them a pot of tea and handed round the biscuits. The chairman and he good lady left at this point and we agreed another day to meet again..As they were leaving they met my neighbour
who was on his way in, more tea and more biscuits
. All this time Pa had been at the hospital, it was three thirty when he arrived home and the kitchen was packed. I had promised Pa a brew of fresh coffee when he came home so I ground some beans and soon he was enjoying a well earned treat. With the kitchen in chaos I noted that it was almost four and began to wonder how the devil I was going to clear up and prepare dinner when we received two more callers bearing a carrier bag full of beautiful black grapes and “Could I find a use for them.” I must admit I was sorley tempted but was unable to accept as at some time during the morning a kind soul had left two carrier bags of green tomatoes on the bench in the garden for chutney making, so I had my hands full.
Soon after this the party broke up and I once again cleared the kitchen and began the preparation of the evening meal, made a tray of tea for my son and sat down in a state of collapse to eat my lasagne At no time today have I been alone in the kitchen, even for five minutes.
Tomorrow looks like being every bit as busy as today,still it is good that poeple feel they can pop in and even better that they feel so at ease,because if they don,t stand on ceremony I don,t have to either, what could be nicer than that.
Oh by the way I shall have to make another batch of biscuits tomorrow as there are now only two left of the four dozen I made this morning.
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