Can any one out there tell me why Microsoft feel obliged to “up date” my programmes. They have made a complete Horlicks of it this time , I can barely recognise my tool bar, the method use to blog has changed completely and several other changes, none of them for the better have been made. My son tells me that this happens from time to time. Speaking as one who has just learned how to use the blessed thing I take it very much amiss that I now need to learn all over again. Even the email programme has changed I find,and at a time when I am particularly busy and cannot waste valuable computer time trying to understand what is going on this most annoying. “May a red plague smite them and a menace lite upon the poxy individuals who have caused this mayhem, and may the flea,s of a thousand hedgehogs infest their underwear!”
The meeting at the allotments did not happen after all and I am not sorry in away as I have broken my toe and the idea of staggering about on uneven ground did not appeal at all. It is on the other hand unfortunate as I really need to speak to the chairman urgently before I proceed ,as the press want the story by Tuesday and I do not wish to tread on any one's toes. I have masses of research that he needs to see and several contacts that he should be aware of, at the present he seems to be incommunicado. Phone calls go direct to voice mail and emails are not answered. I am beginning to think that he has been bumped off by the opposition! The problem is of course that we all have very busy lives and are not always in control of events, Lord knows I have had my share of uncontrolled moments this week! I suppose that I shall just have to go ahead it he does not surface soon but it will be difficult, oh well the cause is worth it.
Pa is not well today, his poor leg is so swollen that his brace no longer fits, also he has an appointment in the morning to have the infected areas, caused by the brace removing his skin dressed by a nurse. Getting him to the surgery by 10 is likely to be a nightmare, any one got a crow bar!.
I made two lemon drizzle cakes today as the boys next door sent in a request,one of them is so fond of the cake that the last time I made one he ate the lot before his house mate came home from work. I took no chances today and delivered it while they were both at home. I am making a pasta dish tonight full of cheese, garlic and bacon, My son would eat pasta every day, Pa and I are not quite so partial to the stuff but I must say this one is rather nice.
The garden is full of bees and wasps today all making the most of the sunshine and the Michaelmas daisies of which we have a great multitude.
On a more personal not I have once again been on the receiving end of Pa's forgetful streak. Last night I discovered to my chagrin that he has put my lovely soft cotton nighties in the tumble drier on full blast,they are now very small indeed. This is not the first time,I have a drawer full of very small clothing and my poor son has had so many shirts ruined in the same way that Pa has now been forbidden to touch the laundry....but of course will forget,and after all he was trying to be helpful.
Tomorrow starts my son's week at home I understand he is ordering a new bed tomorrow to arrive on Tuesday,this means of course that the old one must be disassembled and carted downstairs before the new one can be assembled in situ......there has been a little too much of such variety of late. The dear boy offered to put it off for a couple of weeks ,but the consequences of sleeping much longer supported by piles of books do not bare much thought. Hey ho!
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