At last a quiet normal day doing ordinary normal things, and how we have enjoyed it. My son and I both woke up at six so we had a coffee and discussed the news, then at eight we had some tea and I began the process of getting Pa up. It was much easier than usual and things went like clockwork. We had cereal, orange juice and boiled eggs with granary bread soldiers for breakfast, it was a really happy meal with lots of chat. After we had eaten my son went off to prepare for his game,Pa went to feed the birds and I did the dishes and cleared the kitchen. One of the gamers arrived, early and we chatted away in the kitchen, he is a great friend of my son's and we have known him for so long that we look upon him as family,and treat him as such. He occasionally looks after the house for us when we are away which is really marvellous for us as the cat Twiggy is very fond of him. Madam is very particular in her choice of friends, and the idea of putting her in a cattery is out of the question, I think we are lucky to have a friend like this, he is one of the kindest people we know.
The gamers went off to the pub,and I popped out to buy some pyjamas, I have been finding it a bit chilly of late as I often have to get out of bed when Pa is unwell. I think that warm Pj,s, fleecy dressing gowns and cosy slippers make chilly nights almost a pleasure don't you?
Back home and with coffee made I set about baking biscuits as the last were eaten yesterday. This time I made 90 butter biscuits, half of them cherry and the other half walnut, I made these last week and have been asked by several people to make them again. Pa tucked in while they were still warm with a cup of tea , I love to see him enjoying things, he suffers so much pain that anything that makes him happy is worth doing.
My son's back seems a little better today, he has had a rotten time of it, even massage did little to help. I hope he is in good shape next week as he is back at work. His room looks amazing now, newly decorated and fitted out with black curtains and bed covers, it looks like a study with a bed in it as his walls are lined with books from floor to ceiling He is very happy with the way it turned out, which is important, every one needs a quite place to relax.........chill.........what you will.
It is almost three years since my beloved Tom cat disappeared. He was a fabulous creature full of feline wisdom and grace, covered in stripes,noble whiskers, and such good company, I still miss him an half hope he will come home one day. I have never slept well and Tom stayed with me all night sharing my glass of milk or a corner of a cookie. Tom never chased birds, I have seen him lying in the garden with new fledged robins hopping between his paws while the parent birds flew about horrified. Twiggy has learned not to kill birds,it is possible to train a cat not to, it takes a while but it's worth it. Yesterday she sat on the bench under the window in totally ignored a blue tit which had flown into the window and was momentarily stunned, you can imagine the fuss we make of her when this sort of thing happens, I suppose the incident is what made me think of my lovely Tom
We are having a takeaway tonight, Chinese I hope, I really fancy some sticky ribs, yum.
We all like Saturday evening when my son is not working, we have treats and sweets and make as much fun as we can,we enjoy our time together, we always have. Last night we watched “Come Dine With Me,” Where do they get those people from, we all fell about laughing, I have to tape them when my son is at work so that we can watch them when he is at home.
I shall be glad to snuggle up in bed tonight and if I am lucky Twiggy might come and curl up with me for a while.
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