All things considered today has been rather pleasant. Mondays, especially the ones when my son is returning to work are usually fraught with difficulties and rife with aggravation! Today every thing went like clockwork, it was lovely. I was awake nice and early and went downstairs to make a cup of tea for Pa and to get the bread started. Pa got up in good time and for once my son managed to stay asleep until eleven thirty, this good fortune must however be tempered by an accident on Sunday night during which the leg fell of my sons ancient and battered bed with him in it. As you can imagine this caused quite a kerfuffle rather late last night. We piled a heap of books under the bed and my son went back to sleep, I returned to my room and spent a good half hour trying to stifle a fit of the giggles after which sleep eluded me for hours. A new one will be arriving next Tuesday with luck.
With the bread finished and the preparations for a creamy vegetable soup well under way I took a break and as my son was now awake made us all a breakfast of scotch pancakes with maple syrup and fresh cream, we have not had maple syrup for ages and we had forgotten how much we all like it.
Pa had a hospital appointment and set off in the nick of time having forgotten all about it …which leads my on to tomorrow. I
About two weeks ago I made an appointment to see my G.P. For my routine check up and prescription review, I made quite sure that Pa had no appointments on that day and wrote on the calendar in LARGE letters the time of my appointment I also warned Pa not to make any clashing appointments. Yesterday at break fast I mentioned that as I would be seeing the doctor an Tuesday morning I would pick up a few groceries at the same time whereat Pa remarked quite casually that he had an appointment at the hospital........on Tuesday morning, I felt murderous. Although my appointment is at nine thirty and his is at eleven my G.P always runs rather late as she is a great doctor and actually gives her patients all the time they need. Couple that with the need to go to the shops and we have a problem. OK, I thought ,I shall just have to go back in to town when Pa returns from the hospital........oh no I can,t, because another appointment has been made for some one to call about some repairs to the house, for which I must be at home. I have just one thing to say,.......BUM! I am not sure how it will all work out but one thing seems certain, I shall be fizzing about tomorrow like the proverbial fly with the blue behind ,and cheesed of just does not really sum it up. I give you leave to use your imagination!
The idiot who lives two doors down has finally taken down the noisy flapping goose, I think by now everyone within earshot has complained at least twice about it. My neighbour and I had planned to remove the dratted thing under cover of darkness, at least we shall now be spared the possible consequences of such an action.
As I said today has been rather nice for which small mercy I am grateful, and tomorrow is another day.
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