I believe that in the past I may have hinted that my son was less than handy when it came to D.I.Y..so here is where I eat dirt. Today my amazingly gifted son not only demolished his old pine framed bed single handed, he also assembled the new one, took out all the packing and old timber and cleared up the mess in less than three hours. He would have finished sooner if he had not been interrupted by a couple of dim electricians who could not find their own posterior,s in the dark, of which more later. So my humble apologies to my amazing son who's prowess as a handy man is now obvious even to me.
Now that honour is satisfied I shall regale you with the tale of two electricians. Over a year ago this pair of artisans were engaged to install a cooker hood extractor and an extractor fan in the bathroom. With in a month if being installed the cooker hood fan blew up with all the glory of Guy Fawkes night and it has taken us eleven months to get them in to replace it. Also the fan they fitted in the bathroom is so noisy that it keeps the neighbours awake, from this you may imagine what it sounds like in the adjacent bedrooms. It is the sort of fan you might fit in a public house lavatory or a municipal loo, not a domestic bathroom. Today they returned and began to do a very dodgy repair to the cooker hood fan, I asked him what he was doing and he said “Bosses orders.” While I phoned his boss he proceeded with his (repair) and eventual succeeded in fusing the lights. At which point he left!
I was somewhat displeased at this turn of events as I was in the middle of preparing a meal. Two telephone calls and a shirty email later the dynamic duo returned, fixed the lights and promised to return tomorrow with a new cooker hood fan as we had agreed previously.
As for the bathroom extractor fan, not only did they bring the wrong size of fan, the article looked as if it had been purchased in a pound shop. I was obliged to get very cross indeed, which is bad for my hypertension, so I escaped for half an hour on the buggy to calm down.
I treated myself to a lovely bottle of perfume, I have wanted for ages but considered too expensive and self indulgent. Today I paid only £4.50 instead of £16 as the bottle top was missing, my luck had changed.
On my return,feeling much calmer I finished the food preparation and we had a few games of poker which is always fun. I made a lemon pudding for afters and it cooked while we ate home made beef burgers on sesame buns with caramelised onions and chips with horseradish dip. Considering the trouble I had in preparing even this simple repast I was very glad I had not chosen a more complex meal for this evening.
I still love my little computer but these days my dressing table resembles an office desk and my email in box is red hot. In a way it's fun though and one thing is certain, though my son does not know it yet I have a few little jobs that I now feel able to trust him with , did someone say I was a conniving baggage?
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