Pheeeeeeeew! What a day,I expected it to be a little fraught but oh boy, what and understatement.
To begin with I was so anxious to be up early this morning that I failed to get to sleep at all,so I started the day feeling rather seedy to say the least. My son arrived home also shattered and rather cross about all the extra work which had been left by the people on duty last week, if you ask me ass needs to be kicked! I was so busy trying to listen to my son and at the same time make sure Pa was wide awake before I left ,as he also had an appointment that I forgot to take my hypertension medication. Since I was going to have my blood pressure checked today this was a stupid thing to do, and of course my blood pressure was sky high again and my G.P insisted that I should make another appointment in three weeks instead of the usual three months. I was half way home before I realised that I had not taken my morning pills...too late to worry as I had shopping to do.
I flashed round Morrison's like a scalded cat and headed home in a hurry. That journey at least was uneventful and I arrived home in good time. Unfortunately Pa was by no means ready to leave and by the time I had got him properly dressed and ready to go he was already ten minutes late for his appointment.
After I had seen him off I cleared the kitchen ready for the days cooking, Pa had attempted to make toast in my absence and the floor, table and work tops were covered in crumbs and judging by what was left on his plate he had actually eaten very little, not to be wondered at if you had seen the toast. What,s wrong with cornflakes just for once.
Pa was late getting home as he had been sent to several different departments to be examined before some bright spark decided that he had and infection where his leg brace had been rubbing something that he had been trying to tell them for over an hour,why don't they ever listen?
Pa was in a hurry to get back as we had arranged to see someone about some repairs that need doing, as it happened he need not have worried , One thirty was the time appointed and at one forty five we the chap phone to say that he had been delayed(a fact which we already knew) and he would be with us at two thirty if that was OK? Did we have a by three;O;clock I was not to put too fine a point upon it ,pretty cheesed off, and when our tardy visitor eventual arrived at three thirty I was not feeling exactly cordial. He however was helpful and very understanding and we concluded our business quickly ,as soon as he had gone I grabbed my camera and fled to the river to calm down.
The swans were collecting on the slipway and there were lots of geese and ducks about, The river was as calm as a mill pond and the air too was very still. The tranquillise of the scene soon set me to rights again and I happily trundled home to make dinner.
Fortunately I had decided to make a simple meal as it was such a busy day,I had already put the chicken rubbed with herbs and butter in to the oven and all I had to do was make a tomato salad roast and peel two red peppers put some shredded spring onions in iced water to curl and make spiced tomato sauce. This was to be served with shredded lettuce,coleslaw and tortillas, nice and easy, everything went well and the meal was enjoyed by all. My son seems rested after a good sleep and for once the bell ringers were silent. Even more amazing is the fact that neither Pa or myself got wet on our outings today in spite of the occasional heavy shower. I must admit to being completely worn out and I intent to have as early a night as possible.
It seems that tomorrow there will be quite a few visitors to the house, so I shall have to check the cookie jar, still tomorrow is bread day and so the oven will be on and I can easily make a double batch of shortbread. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” as my old Grandfather used to say, he certainly got that right!
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