Two of the most amazing things about my wonderful son are his limitless patience and his ability to keep his temper in provoking situations. There is an old saying “Beware the anger of a patient man.” This morning there could be no doubting the truth of this old saw.
He arrived home later than usual and the moment I laid eyes on him I could see that all was not well
actually he was in a towering rage, I have never seen him so angry. We always have a chat in the morning, so over a cup of tea I listened to the pent up rage spill out.
His anger was largely on behalf of a colleague at work who has been given all the responsibility of running a department, but to suit the companies convenience and presumably their budget has been given neither title or pay increase commensurate with the responsibility he has been asked to assume. During the past couple of years my sons team of people have performed well above and far beyond the call of duty and have received literally nothing for it. Jobs have been cut, their work load increased to a mind boggling degree, and still they have worked with little complaint, their pride in what they do well; undiminished by the total lack of appreciation and understanding from those who benefit most from their diligence.
This will be the second year that my son will not receive a pay rise and he has said nothing about it as he knows times are hard. He has fought however for the members of his team, who,s quiet dedication he respects enormously. His anger is for his colleague who he believes has been treated badly,I think he feels responsible in part for what has happened. There is another old saying,also true.”A man is worthy of his hire.” If this man is capable of doing the job, as he undoubtedly is then he should receive the benefits of promotion and not just the responsibility,and my son,s sense of fair play is outraged by what has happened..
He and his team are constantly over worked for the simple reason that others are, not to put too fine a point upon it, slacking off. Nothing ever gets done about this and it is the reason why they often finnish so late. In my opinion if some are allowed to leave work before completing their allotted tasks ,why should others be obliged, out of loyalty to the company to do their work for them.
I hope with all my heart that no one gives my boy further cause for annoyance, I should hate to be in the shoes of any one who does, man or beast!
For my part I had high words with the occupational therapist this morning. Two of them were supposed to be coming this morning at 11 o clock, and having moved heaven and earth , changed medical appointments and asked the electricians to come this afternoon I was not pleased to be told by the O.T that they would now be coming after lunch. Exactly what time is after lunch.........she could not say. Having totally ignored everything we said to them last time they came, she said she wanted Pa to practice using a “bath board.” This is a contrivance which fits on the rim of the bath and upon which you sit out of the water to bathe. Since Pa cannot get his legs over the bath in the first place this seems to me to be redundant.
Then she said we could perhaps be given a stool on which he could sit to wash at the sink. I told her that believe it or not we were already using that method and that is was no substitute for a bath or a shower. I think that is reasonable and I did stay calm. I told her that we needed a invalids shower fitted and a chair lift for the stairs. Hand rails are useless to someone whose hands cannot grip and who suffers from cataplexy, a condition which causes the sufferer to collapse like a puppet with the strings cut,and without any warning. Finally she got the point...........I hope. The half hearted solutions they came up would be as effective as trying to stop a haemorrhage with a band aid....useless.
Pa and I had a nice peaceful breakfast of boiled eggs and soldiers with orange juice and two pots of tea..My son got his first sleep since Sunday night and I think he is ready again for the fray. I cooked him his favourite toad in the hole with baked beans for dinner, “classic” toad he calls it, anything to cheer him up a little.
Life does seem to be a battle sometimes, I think I would prefer to go down fighting,and I probably shall..
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