It has been a very odd day indeed, rewarding, frustrating and terrifying by turns and at the end exhausting. To begin with my son was even later than usual, and as an added annoyance Pa refused to get out of bed until well past eleven. These occurrences slowed my morning down to almost a halt and by the time a had got my sleepy son into bed and his Pa out of bed the morning was spent. It was past noon before I had served a breakfast of grilled kippers and washed the dishes after it.
I was …........disgruntled.........lovely word and exactly describing the way I felt. It seemed to me that wee was being taken. I had a member of the conservation group coming round in the afternoon so I sped off to get some washing powder, we had run out, and returned with as much haste as one can on an invalid buggy.
Earlier in the day I had discovered that my computer was playing up. I could not access my emails which was a bind because I needed information from them for the group secretary. I fiddled about for luck. I had just begun rather belatedly to prepare a meal when my visitor arrived, an I was obliged to explain that I did not have the information she needed and why. I unplugged my little lap top from the mains and having also removed the mouse took it down to the kitchen., switched it on and behold all was well.I had taken the precaution of locking the cat Twiggy in the bedroom and shutting the living room door tight shut, so how in the the name of Old Harry did she manage to get in to the kitchen and confront the dog. It was awful, Twigs tail looked like a Christmas tree and she was all hiss and fizz. The dog once it had regained it,s composure began to reciprocate with loUd barks and rumbling growls. Twigs stood her ground and in the end I took her outside and shut her in the garden.”Judas.” Heard it just as if the cat had spoken,feeling very downhearted I returned to my visitor who luckily left quite soon.
I searched for the I had to give up and cook dinner,just a meaty lasagne as I needed to be quick. I washed up......still no cat.
Back upstairs and on opening my e mails I discovered a lovely letter from the councillor who had asked a question for me at the London Assembly apologising for the Majors ridiculous answer, and another from a local councillor now eating dirt and promising to attend our meetings, I really did give her a verbal roasting yesterday. It tmade good reading as to say that this lady had been off hand in the past would not be doing justice to her indifference!
AT LAST the cat returned, still in high dudgeon and expecting to be placated with titbits, treats and cuddles all of which were of course forth coming, I cannot tell you how glad I was to see her, so all ended well. I think we were lucky, the last time Madam Twigs went head to head with a dog its owner threatened to sue me for damages....Pheeeew!
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