It was barely six thirty when I found myself making coffee for my son and I. He had almost slept the clock round and looked much better than he did yesterday. We sorted out the final bits of packing and had some more coffee. Soon after the taxi arrived and my son set off on the first leg of his journey. About an hour later he called to say that he was safely on the train to Portsmouth,I made Pa a cup of coffee and the day began in earnest.
We were expecting guests for a late breakfast but as it was still quite early I made some tea and toast. The toast was made with yesterdays bacon bread, I really recommend that you try baking this bread as it is delicious and has so many uses, imagine a Welsh Rarebit made with bacon bread, or a roast chicken sandwich, gorgeous. I shall publish the recipe in the near future.
Our guests arrived on time bringing with then a gift of rhubarb from their garden. This was very welcome as our rhubarb has failed dismally this year and I am very partial to rhubarb crumble. I had a huge bowl of pancake mixture ready and I kept on cooking them off two at a time until everyone was stuffed. It was a lovely party, they are a nice young couple and are soon to be married, Pa and I are to attend the wedding in August. The young man is a soldier in the Royal Artillery, a bandsman no less. His young lady is a gifted musician herself, unfortunately she has just been diagnosed with a very serious and debilitating disease which may well ruin her career. She is very young and yet she copes wonderfully well with her difficulties and is as brave as could be. She is also very pretty with red gold hair and a fair complexion,a real Pre Raphaelite beauty. I wish them happiness with all my heart.
They left at one thirty for a hospital appointment and as they left my son called to tell us that he had arrived safe and sound in Portsmouth and was off to get some lunch. I cleared the kitchen and then cleared off to the shops for a few bits of contraband for Pa and I to enjoy in his absence.
Tonight we had lamb chops with baby new potatoes, broccoli and mint sauce, all things which my son dislikes. Tomorrow I hope to make a prawn and crab fettuccine, my son hates seafood. We are like a couple of naughty children planning our treats, we intend to eat all the lovely things which my son does not care for but which we love. I shall certainly be cooking no chicken this week although we shall have a nice brace of partridge some time during the next few days.
In his absence I shall give his room a good old fashioned spring clean,beating the rugs and changing the curtains, by the time he returns his den will be cosy and spotless. I hope also to get in to the garden as I need to prepared the ground for my greenhouse,I could not have chosen a worse time to do this as both my some and my strong helpful neighbours are away, still I shall manage I am sure, I can be very determined you know.
Poor Twiggy is missing my son already and sits crying at his bedroom door, she hates it when any of her people are away. Whenever Pa is in hospital she is unbearable,she loves us all so much,dear old puss.
It has been a long day and I am a very tired Avie and so after a bath and a hot chocolate with Pa I shall snuggle up in bed, and wait for my little cat to finish her nightly prowl, then off to sleep.
I have an early start again tomorrow but that can take care of itself, for now the days work is done and I am happy that all has gone well. I do hope you all enjoyed you holiday weekend. Good night.
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