It was wonderful to wake up to another lovely sunny morning and my son and I had coffee together before he took a bath and went off to bed. I decided to do a lunch instead of a breakfast today as Pa was up a little late and prepared a meal of mozzarella dresses with sun dried tomatoes and olives with a green salad and the remain if last nights tabbouleh which is very nice served cold with a light salad dressing. By the time I had baked four dozen cookies Pa was ready for his meal and we both enjoyed it very much, it made a change from eggs and pancakes.
Once the meal was over pa decided to go out to the shops , I know this will sound awful but I was glad to see him go out for a while. It is always difficult to get on with the chores while he is in the house and after he had been gone for half an hour I had finished my morning tasks and was ready for the garden. I took out a pot of tea and sat in the shade of the damson tree, now in full flower,, while I planned out the days activities. I was joined by my little cat who rolled about on the table asking to have her tummy tickled, and after a few minutes she went off to sit in her tree house the better to watch me at my labours, lazy creature!
There is still too much digging to do for my peace of mind as my health has not permitted me to do much heavy work this spring but by doing a little each day I have hopes that the ground will be ready by the time the plants need to go out. There was more sowing to do, this time some more nasturtiums and more peas, also the runner beans and French beans as well as the Borlotti beans which I dire for winter use.
Quite a few of the large containers need moving and some of the plants which they contain need bigger pots, this however will have to wait until my strapping son is available to assist me, next week I hope. My tame robin flitted about all afternoon pouncing with great glee upon any worm,s which I happened to uncover while going about my tasks, and I was pleased to discover that a pair of wrens have taken up residence in on of the nest boxes hidden in the ivy, that makes two pairs in the orchard now.
I have been wanting to put up two fence panels to fill the gape left when my nasty old landlord cut down our lilac bushes to punish us for insisting on some repairs to the house. I had the panels 6'x6' ready and waiting but I could not get the help I needed to erect them. Today I decided to have a go by myself, and much to my amazement I managed it alone. It took ages and I admit that I am scratched, bruised and shattered but the job is done at last, I am afraid that I twisted my knee rather badly but it was worth it, I shall just have to take care for a day or two until the swelling goes down.
When I had finished Twiggy inspected the new fence and gave her approval by sitting on the top for half an hour watching the goings on in the lane.
Pa was very late getting back from the shops,barely in time for dinner, Lord knows what he was up to, I am afraid to ask. I enjoyed very much having some time to myself. So much of my time is taken up these days with looking after Pa and dealing with endless visitors,that I seldom have any quiet time on my own. Of course I like company but......some times I feel as if my batteries are running low and a day by myself with no one to look after, cook for or worry about gives me time to recharge and be ready for the fray once more.
Dinner tonight was scampi and chips with a big salad and home made lemon sauce, This is a favourite with all of us in warm weather as it takes little time to cook and is light to eat.
I have almost caught up with the backlog of laundry caused by the demise of my washing machine last week, poor thing, it is almost as old as I am, I wonder if I can get my motor fixed?
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