First of all let me apologise for yesterday,s rant, my only excuse is that I get very concerned when those who hold the worlds affairs in their hands display such naivety, stupidity, call it what you will. Getting things off my chest with a good old grouching session eases my feelings if not my fears.
Yesterday something dreadful happened! There I was about to start work upon a huge pile of ironing when my iron coughed twice, spluttered and died. You can imagine my grief at the demise of this old friend. “Oh dear!” I exclaimed. “What ever shall I do?” I had packed away the ironing board in minutes and returned the ironing to the airing cupboard, I was deeply grieved!
My darling son came to my rescue with a beaming smile , he had heard my anguished cries and had ordered a lovely new steam iron from Amazon,. “Don't worry.”He said.”It will arrive tomorrow.”
First thing this morning it did. The ironing is now done......sob....moan....sigh!
Actually it is an extremely good iron with a ceramic sole plate and I must say it nipped through he ironing in record time. I is wonderful to have such a thoughtful, generous son, still a weekend off might have been nice.
Having received requests for cherry shortbread I made several dozen of these popular little biscuits today, I have hidden away two dozen for my son's friends at work before the ravening hoards descend and scoff the lot.
My desk arrived today, on time, in good condition and with two very professional young chaps who freighted it up the steep curved stairs to my bedroom with no trouble and no complaints. This is astonishing as people take hours to find us as a rule and then moan like hell when they set eyes upon the staircase. The desk is a lovely old thing, not valuable but perfectly in character with my room and the cottage .It will house all my paperwork and stationery and will provide a stable surface for my dinky little net book. I am very happy, I love old things,however I am not at all sure that my little cat will approve. She was fond of disporting herself on my desk top and having her tummy tickled while I attempted to write, time will tell.
A lot happened yesterday, on a visit to hospital I found the perfect memory foam mattress topper at the knock down price of forty pounds so I could not resist and I am glad because it is wonderful and should, in time make all the difference to my arthritis.
The cat has just paid me a visit and it is as I feared....she hates the new desk and is most seriously displeased with me as a consequence....oh dear!
Dinner tonight was a simple meal of gammon, eggs and chips, cooked to order when my son arrived home from his game. It is a swell not to prepare the food before he arrives as not only can he be a little late at times but now and again brings home a stranded friend to dinner. Neither of these circumstances bothers Pa and I at all, Our son is a thoughtful ,generous and incredibly kind young man and it is a very great pleasure to do any little thing that will please him. He is one in a million and I am the luckiest mother in the world to have such a son....I mean every word.
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