I have a good many jobs to do before my son returns on Sunday evening and have been working my way down the list throughout the week.,my problem has been that the to do list keep son growing.
Please with my progress on Thursday evening I was rather hoping to find time on Friday to watch a little of the Royal wedding, unfortunately the telephone call which I received during dinner changed all that.
I can be a little absent minded at times and on this occasion I had mixed up the date of the Allotment Society open day, I had thought that it was next Sunday, I was wrong it is in in fact taking place on this Sunday. This meant that I spent a good deal of yesterday baking the masses of shortbread I had promised to the cake stall and rummaging about in cupboards to find jars of chutney and jam from my rapidly dwindling store for the produce stall. Then there were the plants to pot up for the plant stall and finally I rounded up a pile of unfortunate Christmas gifts and odds and ends for the Bric-a-brac stall. This and a donation for the fund will I hope be deemed a sufficient contribution to this important local institution. All of this with a shopping delivery , cleaning the bathroom and then having to pop out to buy the things which I forgot to put on the shopping list took up the whole day.
I did manage to see quite a lot of the wedding during the late evening. I loved the dress, it is clear that the Duchess of Cambridge has a wonderful sense of style and the evening dress was beautiful. The young lady has realised that a very pretty girl only detracts from her charms by wearing too many frills and furbelows. While we are on the subject who on earth chose the hats worn by the Duke of York's Daughters, I do not mean to be bitchy but they looked grotesque, surely someone could have given them a hint. The trees in the Abbey were lovely,indeed to whole occasion was wonderful, and the crowds were a tribute to the couples popularity. It seems a pity then that already the media are trouble making, the dresses were too plain, the couple did not walk among the crowds after the wedding,how much do these people want? It was a terrific show and I for one shall let nothing detract from that.
Having worn myself out yesterday I awoke this morning in the knowledge that I still had six dozen cherry biscuits to make the weekends bread to bake , the kitchen to clean , the floors to hoover and steam and a pile of ironing to do , I admit to feeling somewhat overwhelmed by this. I shall have to take time out tomorrow to attend the open day and now my son has announced that he intends to arrive home in time for dinner and could I please cook a roast pork, it gets worse every minute.
During the course of the morning as I fizzed around the kitchen for some reason the theme from the Television series Wonder Woman kept flitting through my brain, wishful thinking I expect.
The baking done I was very hot and decided to take a look at the church yard behind my cottage over which as you know there has been much strife. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to report that the strimmers have stayed their hands up to now this spring and the cow parsley is a waist high cloud of white between the ancient tombs and all about the cuckoo pint spears are showing their strange wonderful flowers again. In the short space of my visit I saw wrens, Black caps and discovered to my great joy a thrush feeding her newly fledged young and flitting about among the flowers were orange tip and tortoise shell butterflies Nature is coming in to her own again, and I hope that now these inhabitants will be left in peace along with those laid to rest so long ago.
I had had quite enough of working indoors and so I decided to ignore the ironing, which will come as no surprise to you and headed for the garden to work there instead. I took a risk and planted out some courgette plants and some pumpkins and squashes. I have left some under cover to hedge my bets in case of any frost in the next few weeks, fingers crossed.
Dinner this evening was a cold meal of new wholemeal bread with salad, new potatoes, air dried ham with olives and sun dried tomatoes, beetroot, cold asparagus and some nice fresh prawns for me. NO cooking hooray. We followed this with some fresh fruit and cream and very nice it was.
Having cleared the kitchen I went upstairs to tackle the ironing at last while watching the news channel, well I thought I may as well get all the depressing stuff over at once!
Now my time is my own until Pa takes his bath which I hope will be soon so that I can go to sleep.
My son comes home tomorrow so there will be the fatted calf,or in this case pig to deal with.
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