Ever since the arrival of my new desk Twiggy has been less than happy with the change,as you know it has been her habit to sit on my desk with me as I write my blog. Having learned how to type I often find myself typing with one finger while stroking the cat with the other hand.
Last night my little friend accepted the new desk at last, and explored all the pigeon holes at on the top under the lamp and then at last curled up beside my net book and asked to be tickled. I was very pleased and as for the cat, I have never known her to purr so loudly. Status quo is restored and we are happy again. I must say I was surprised that she disliked the new desk so much as at first she had not seemed unhappy, my theory is that the desk when it arrived had a the rather musty smell of old furniture and perhaps she is fine again now that the smell has gone. Whatever the reason it is good to have her back .
I decided this morning to do some cleaning, I have been awake for an hour or so and it seemed like a good idea to get on with things so that I would be free to do some more gardening later in the day.
I gave my room a good clean, having the windows open all day has brought in a good deal of dust from the building work across the road. During the tidying I resurrected a very large spider, which had been lurking under the bed....horrible thought.....I caught it in my spider trap and threw it out through the window . The spider however had no intention of leaving and clung to the window frame for dear life. I knocked it off and it hung about two feet below the window on a thread of cob web which of course I broke at once. The pesky spider dropped to the ground and I returned to my duties. half an hour later the wretched spider was back, leering at me from the window sill. I trapped under a tumbler and took it to the grave yard and released it, I just hope it stays there! Incidentally this is the second boomerang spider I have encountered this week.
I was just about to get some breakfast for Pa and I when I received a call from a some friends who had just returned from a holiday in France asking if it would be convenient for them to call this morning and so of course I invited them to join us for breakfast. We had entertained their daughter and her fiancé at breakfast earlier in the week and having heard about the pancakes they asked it it would be possible to have some and as I had not yet decided what to cook it was no trouble at all.
We had a lot of catching up to do and I was touched to receive a lovely present of a scented tissue box, it looks lovely in my bedroom with its white furniture, people are so very kind. We ate lots and lots of pancakes with sugar and lemon and I made their favourite tea, we keep lots of different teas for our guests all of which are proper leaf tea, I hate tea bags, you may just as well make a pot of tea and then add a couple of tissues, it tastes foul!
I was doing the washing up when I discovered that we had run out of washing powder so as we also needed a balloon for my sons welcome home on Sunday I popped out to get some. This jaunt turned in to an epic as our local florist was closed, I did a tour around the area and at last found a florist with balloons for sale,what a performance.
Back at home I changed quickly and headed for the garden. The grass needed to be cut and that was my first job, followed by the potting on of some plants and the planting out of others, The weather was perfect for gardening, sunny but with a breeze so that the work did not cause me to become too hot. Another nest of Blackbirds fledged this morning and also some Grey Wagtails were calling to their young with their beaks full of small insects caught on the river close by. After much persuasion the youngsters flew out of the nest to be feed, I would not have missed the sight for the world, they are beautiful little birds, elegant in shape and with a dancing flight that is a joy to behold.
I finished my stint in the gardens by watering all the containers and the herbaceous border and then totally shattered I went inside to cook dinner. We had decided upon bacon, eggs, mushrooms, cheese and baked beans with toast for our evening meal and it had the virtue of being quick to cook and reasonably easy to clean up afterwards. During the first course my son rang and was very chatty,my resulting cold dinner was binned. Strawberries and iced cream made up the sweet course and just as I had finished serving it I received a call from a dear friend reminding my of a bring and buy sale on Sunday.........damn and blast........I had lost all track of time and thought it was on the Sunday after. We discusses the various stalls and I volunteered two trays of short bread, a couple of cuddly toys and some odds and ends of bric-a-brac.,Sunday is going to be hell! By the time the conversation ended my iced cream had melted but it still tasted very good indeed.
It was quite late before I had finished clearing the kitchen and came upstairs to write my blog. Now it is done a hot bath beckons and my bed awaits me, complete with cat........bliss.
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