I had a lovely morning, the perfect start to Mothers Day. It began with two cups of coffee in bed and lovely cards from Pa and my son, also some beautiful presents. Of course there was my chair from my son and a D.V.D which I had been wanting for ever so long . From Pa a lovely summer top and a scarf in a matching colour, I could not have wished for nicer gifts.
We ha a breakfast of muffins and crumpets toasted beautifully by my son and then some of his friends arrived and we all had a good natter.
After they had set off for their game I went out for a buggy ride, dresses up in my new togs and Pa who got up especially early for me today, filled the seed trays in the garden for our hungry wild birds.
On my return I baked three trays of vanilla shortbread and set about the final decoration of the birthday cake for the party. I had telephoned my darling mother and she was very pleased with her gifts,she is the sweetest nicest , kindest person and deserves to have the best of everything, all three of her children adore her and with good reason.
I had decided to have half an hour in the garden before our guests arrived when Pa noticed our little green budgerigar sitting on the floor of his cage, I took him out at once and it was all to obvious that he had not long to live.
I held him in my hands and stroked his pretty feathers and Pa put his favourite music on to play.
He opened his eyes as the music began and then almost at once he died.
We were both terribly sad and to be truthful I could have wept buckets but with a birthday party to host I pulled myself together and got on with things.
I expect there will be some who think I am making too much fuss about a dead bird but Charlie was much more than that to me, he was a friend, always cheerful and so very clever. He never uttered a word but he could whistle quite large chunks of classical music and played his tiny wind chimes as well as the finest percussionist, he simply lived for his music,I cannot begin to tell you how very much I shall miss his happy presence in the house.
The guests are fed, the cake enjoyed and I have left the boys to laugh and chatter and discuss the days game. I can at last be by myself and have the relief of tears. I shall not tell my son until the party is over as I know it would spoil the party for him, there will be time enough later .
It is a sad end to a lovely day but I am glad that I was with my little chorister at the end because he loved company, being noticed and spoken to. If you passed his cage without an acknowledgement he would chunter away until you came back to say hello.
The D.V.D player and radio are silent , non of us can face hearing one of his favourite pieces just now.
Tomorrow we shall have a funereal in the garden, he will be buried with his favourite set of chimes and I shall plant a primrose on his grave.
Our pets give us so much pleasure but there is always a toll of grief to pay when they are gone. It was worth everything to have had such a dear little bird for all these years.
Goodbye Charlie, God bless.
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