Friday, 15 April 2011


I believe that I may have mentioned in previous blogs my disapproval of the way in which the British public were shafted at the General Election last May. It would also be true to say that my disgust at the casual way in which those now governing the country have, with out compunction broken most of the promises which were at the heart of their campaigns.

Of course they have, they say no choice but to renege upon their word and continually cite the same crippled excuse that they had no idea when they made those promises how bad things were.
They seem to have not the least concept of honour, honesty or consistency.
A man,s word used to be his bond. There was a time when to go back on ones word was considered to be caddish and not the way for a gentleman to behave.

We have sitting in Westminster today a Prime minister and a …..well I know what to call Nick Clegg but I am too much of a Lady to put it into print! Both of these men had the benefit of the best education that this country can provide, they are both wealthy and I have not doubt would consider themselves to be gentlemen. They are not gentlemen, they are dishonourable and dishonest. There can be no mistake here, a man who cannot understand the binding nature of passing his word cannot be a gentleman.

Now I am sure that we all realise that politicians often find it expedient to change there minds or be economical with the truth but to sign your name at the foot of a document promising a certain set of policies seems to me a solid gesture of intent. After all no one forced him or his cohorts to put their names on such a document. It was done with a good deal of flourish and paraded as a sign of their real commitment to improve the lot of ordinary people. It worked, people admired him for the gesture, people voted for him because of his appearance of honour. What happened next is a matter of record.

It seems that these days there are those who think that they can ignore outdated concepts such as honour and honesty, this is not quite true. The public are becoming angry with the constant stream of lies emanating from governments world wide. People are tired of corruption in high places and the cynical uncaring approach of their leaders to the problems they encounter in just trying to survive. David Cameron an Nick Clegg have not the least understanding of the way in which the majority of the people they govern live their lives. In this they are very similar to the late French monarchy and we all know what happened to them.

I am certainly not advocating a bloody revolution but it must be faced that all over the world ordinary people are fighting back after years of repressive and corrupt government. These brave souls are making their protest in the face of armed soldiers who shoot them without compunction. It can happen any where if enough people cry “Enough.”

I hope with all my heart that our self aggrandising leaders realise just how precarious there situation is and change their attitudes before we see British people being Fired upon by British soldiers. They should also think of this. While they are depleting the Armed |Forces have they considered what they would do in the face of a national rebellion. There position is precarious,and it is only a matter of time before the public realise that if there are enough of them they can do anything.

Heaven help us when that day dawns!

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