These sunny mornings are so welcome after the grey drabness of winter, it is a pleasure to get up in the morning and my dawn cup of coffee drunk by the open window has become a daily pleasure.
When my son arrived home this morning I made more coffee and he made the toast, a chat about the nights events helps him to wind down before attempting to sleep.
Once he was safe in bed I sorted Pa out next and made him some boiled eggs for his breakfast with tea and orange juice. I finished my chores in record time and headed for the garden. The air was still and the scent of bluebells was wonderful, a perfect morning to be out of doors.
I have for some time been meaning to move two large conifers and their containers from the small walled garden to the orchard, as they are very heavy I had hoped to have assistance in moving these monsters. Unfortunately when ever I have the time there is no one available ans so today armed with a wheel barrow and grim determination I set to work.
The first one was easier than I could have hoped and I made short work of moving it to its new home by the fence. The second tree was a menace, too tall to handle without difficulty, too heavy to lift without getting a hernia and to make matters worse it seemed to be loosing its needles and most of the ended up down my cleavage, and damned uncomfortable it was too. I was about to admit defeat when Pa came to the rescue with his little trolley and with him to guide the tree top I was just able to pull it on to the trolley with out having to lift it at all. I should tell you that I had to move the trees because of the squirrels who are using them as a springboard to reach the bird feeders and the poor trees were looking somewhat tatty. This has left the squirrels scratching their heads today but I am quite sure that it will not be long before they find some other method of reaching their goal.
As you might expect I was feeling less than energetic after all that but I decided that a little digging would not hurt, I ended up digging quite a large piece of ground and was felling very pleased with myself when suddenly my knee gave way and in a good deal of pain I was obliged to stop at once.
Now comes the magical part,as I sat on the bench feeling angry with myself a beautiful pale yellow canary flew down on to the grass, hopped about and then flew up in to the apple tree. For the rest of the afternoon he fitted about the garden seeming very interested in company but a little fearful of strangers. I have put out Charlie's old cage with fresh water and seed so that if the canary is hungry he will, I hope go in to find the food, there is also plenty of food at the bird tables but he seems a little shy of the wild birds. My only real fear is that the kestrels will get to him before I do, He seems to like people and so I have hopes that we will soon have a bird again.
Our first bird was a canary which flew in to the house on day and stayed. The next was a cockatiel, also a stray and a Diamond Dove found half dead in our garden one windy Autumn day. Another cockatiel followed and then of course dear old Charlie who had the distinction of being the only bird we ever purchased and who was initially acquired to keep the small cockatiel company. It worked too, they lived together amicably for six years when the parakeet died, afterwards Charlie consoled himself with music, the rest you know. I do hope this little bird stays around, I miss having Charlie Bird to talk to.
I have strapped up my knee and taken an early bath and a couple of strong painkillers which should help and I hall do no more work today. I do hope that I am better in the morning as it is a major baking day, bread must be made and more cookies for the weekend. I have a high stool in the kitchen and if all else fails I shall do the baking sitting down. Since non of us can eat shop bought bread it is a case of needs must!
In spite of my knee trouble it has been a lovely day, a light breeze is blowing across the garden and in to my bedroom window as I write, bringing with it the delicious smell of bluebells and hawthorn blossom. My little cat is mousing in the garden and in the field the cattle are swishing their tails as they pull at the new grass with must taste sweet to them after a winter in doors.
Perhaps tomorrow we shall have a bird again, keep your fingers crossed for me please.
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