We celebrated my son's first day off with a lovely breakfast of muffins and honey and hot buttered crumpets which a pot of tea and some fresh orange juice. My poor boy was very tired but happy and I made sure that he got lots of rest today.
Breakfast over I decided to continue in the garden as the weather forecast is not brilliant for the next few days. For some time I have been threatening to clear out MY garden shed. I stress the word my as I built it, it contains my tools, plant pots, nets, watering cans etc. What it also contains is a mass of trash thrown in there by Pa and my son as an alternative to proper disposal of, endless cardboard cartons from Amazon some small, some huge and filled with masses of polystyrene extrusions and blasted bubble wrap. Then there are the huge plastic bags in which large items have been delivered,it is all too easy for my shiftless menfolk to open my shed door, throw in the rubbish and forget it.
There is always a good excuse such as
a “It was raining.”
b “It was dark.”
c “The bins were full.”
Well that's all very fine but there is no excuse for not taking the debris away when.
a. It stops raining.
b. It is no longer dark.
c. The bins have been emptied.
Today I called time and having warned the miscreants of my intentions, and tomorrow being recycle day I bit the bullet and began . I needed to find my mower and strimmer as the grass is growing now but when I opened the shed door an avalanche of cardboard boxes and a huge reel of binder twine tumbled out and knocked me to the ground. My I was cross! I sat there buried under this mountain of tat wondering how to get myself off the floor when I was assisted by the appearance of a large number of huge......really huge spiders. Now I am equal to most things, snakes do not worry me, bugs, beetles, worms and slugs,are no problem, I can even tolerate rats. Spiders however do bother me. While I am glad to say that to a certain extent I am not as terrified of the blessed things as formerly, the idea of large numbers of the wretched creatures crawling up my trouser legs getting in my hair and down my T shirt was enough to get me on my feet faster than I would have thought possible. It was a horrible experience and of course knowing that they were there made the rest of the job very unpleasant It took a while but at last the shed was tidy and all my tools were within easy reach.
Note to self...buy padlock a.s.a.p”!
Having found the missing mower I mowed the grass in the front garden and them took the newly recovered strimmer to the orchard and tidied the paths,I have trouble with the strimmer these days as my balance is not good and I keep falling over, however I finished the job and was pleased with the result.
There were a good many Holly Blue butterflies about the garden today and I was fortunate enough to have my camera handy when one of these little little beauties settled down to warm her pretty wings.
Tired by now I did a little light weeding and potted on a few young plants in the bag of compost which I had found buried under the rubbish and planted out a lovely yellow osteospermum and a Black eyed Susan, both plants that I love. Feeling rather tired I went indoors to clean up and them into the kitchen where I made a big pan of soup for dinner using leeks , squash, peppers root vegetables crème fraiche and chicken stock. The poppy seed twist made yesterday went well with the hot soup and was followed by the raspberry jelly also made yesterday.
We ate early so that my son could go up to bed and I shall not far behind him. Pa and I will have some hot chocolate and then I suspect that we too will be ready for sleep.
It has been a very busy day but so much has been achieved and I am happy with everything...except for the massive dead spider which fell out of my scrunchy went I took my hair down this evening........YUK !
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