Quite often Friday can be a little fraught in my establishment and it has become a custom for Friday dinner to be something of a feast. Today actually went remarkably smoothly for once much to every ones surprise, I got the bread made early, the grocery delivery arrived on time and wonder of wonders ,intact, no broken eggs, no leaky bleach bottles and no squashed butter or punctured cream carton. We unpacked quickly and everything was put away, and breakfast , which consisted of pancakes with sugar and lemon was a lovely relaxed meal.
Pa went off to town and I tidied the kitchen while my son hoovered upstairs. I finally managed to find the time to pot on most of my seedlings and the tunnel is rapidly filling up with healthy young plants. I was very pleased to see that the row of rocket which I sowed last weekhas germinated along with the tarragon, lollo rosso and the pea seeds, things are really moving at last.
Pa returned in good time, another minor miracle, and Once the floors and carpets had been steamed the chores were done.
Through out the day various parcels arrived for my son which always pleases him and with the sun shining it turned out to be a very pleasant day.
We ate early as we were all hungry and we did justice to our feast. I had a hot roast chicken flavoured by sliding slices of lemon under the skin with butter and herbs, and this morning I made a special loaf for dinner. It was a barley loaf with a spiral of fresh herbs from the garden running through inside. It looked very pretty and tasted wonderful. There was corned beef for Pa, his favourite and Cray fish for me, pork pie, five sorts of cheese and masses of lovely salad for which I made a lemon dressing. There were also whole wheat crackers to go with the cheeses and home made chutney and pickles......yum.
This may sound over indulgent but over the course of the weekend the left overs will be eaten as lunches or super,s so there will be no waste at all. We ended the meal by finishing the apple and elderflower jelly left over from yesterday and by the time we had finished we were all pretty well stuffed, I am quite sure that no one will want any super tonight.
As I write the window is open and my view across the lane and over the field shows me that the Lime trees are breaking bud on the lower branches and dandelions are glowing among the vivid green of the new grass. There is a positive riot of bird song as the male birds sing over their territory for the last time before darkness falls. The wild cherry trees in the shelter belt are covered with a froth of white blossom and in the orchard the damson tree is now in full blossom and murmurous with many bees. This is Avies small and very precious world, were there is always something to delight the eye or gladden the heart, no matter what befalls. Good night, sweet dreams.
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