The old saying about punctuality may well be true of Princes but it is most certainly not true in the case of washing machine repair men or social workers! The social worker rang me at twelve and asked if it was today that she was to come and see Pa. I felt like replying that if she , who made the appointment did not know then who would ? Politeness forbade such a remark, and I admitted that one thirty today was the time she had appointed for her visit, fine.
At two thirty we were still waiting for the her to arrive and the thought of all the jobs I was not doing on her account was making me rather cross.
The washing machine repair man, who was supposed to call and tell us when he was coming had not called by twelve thirty so we rang him. Between one and two we were told with confidence, misplaced as it turned out because by two thirty he too had not arrived. We called again and were told that “Lenny was running late.”A fact with which we were already “ au fait”. When could we expect the tardy Lenny, it was it seemed hard to say. We continued to wait.
The day had begun well with Pa up on time and a lovely breakfast of blueberry and wine berry muffins, the wine berries were picked and frozen last summer and at this time of year they are a real treat. They are small and a brilliant red and they are also very tasty indeed.
We chatted over our meal and after the washing up was done I pottered about until it became obvious that the expected visitors were late. I was unable to begin any work in the kitchen as the washing machine repair man needs a lot of space so that ruled out any baking or cooking.
I needed to visit the garden centre for more compost as I have a good many plants to pot on but in case the social worker arrived that too was a non starter. I made coffee for us all and continued to wait.
One thing that arrived early was the lovely old chair bought for me as a mothers day gift from my son, we were not expecting it until next week and I was glad when my son said that I need not wait until Sunday. I opened the wrappings and there it was, even nicer that the picture had shown and it fitted into my bedroom so well, it looked as if it had always been there. I tried it out and was delighted to find it comfortable too, it is perfect and I am very pleased with my gift.
At three we were still twiddling our thumbs and all of us were very cross about the waste of a day, I decided to peel the potatoes for dinner in the hope that according to Murphy's Law this should cause one or other of the expected guests to arrive, this time however it did not work.
Then I received a call from my G.P. The results from yesterdays scan, which I was not expecting for days were back and the news was not good, As well as a small stone they had discovered some “Irregularities” in the kidneys and an appointment was to be made a.s.a.p for me to see the Urologist.
I am not the sort of person who panics about this type of thing but today I could have done without the added worry.
Hoorah at three thirty the social worker arrived and I must say that she was very nice and quite helpful. It seems likely that I shall get some help with Pa on five mornings a week and that we shall be put on the link, a type of panic button to press in an emergency. It is such a relief as I really am at the end of my tether.
At four thirty she left and there was still no sign of the repair man. I went to get a much needed breath of fresh air and as I was leaving the repair man arrived. Hallelujah
I left the boys to deal with him and went off to buy another bag of compost so that tomorrow I can pot on the seedlings. The repair man worked quickly and was gone before I returned and the washing machine was fixed. Dinner this evening was a cottage pie which we all enjoyed followed by a home made apple and elderflower jelly, I think it is the nicest of all the jellies I make and oh so simple. All you need is a carton of elderflower and apple juice
and two sachets of powdered gelatine, follow the directions on the pack and place in the refrigerator until the next day by which time it will have set nicely. I have used fresh fruit and flowers for this but the fruit juice is a good substitute at this time of the year.
It has been quite a day all round but the high spot for me was watching a heron who sat on the kitchen wall all through dinner, attracted no doubt by the ornamental fish which our neighbour has in his back garden pond.
Now for a bath and a cup of tea after which I intend to laze about until bedtime, and hopefully a good nights sleep.
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