My word my poor ears were almost nipped off by the cold this morning when I went out to the shops. Every one that I met along the way complained about the cold. I do not mind cold weather much but cold and windy I can not abide, I had stuffed cotton wool into my ears in preparation and put up my hood but the wind found it's way through the lot.
On my way along the lane I noticed a small but very deep hole had appeared in the road, there was a barrier around it but there were cars parked on either side of it. On my return the hole was much bigger and the cars had gone. It looked as if their was nothing but the road surface left, everything underneath seemed to have been washed away and as I watched another chunk of road disappeared into the ever widening hole. Watch this space, as they say. I expect that the cause was the flood which we had in the later part of last year, there have been quite a few problems with roads and pavements since it happened. I do hope it is filled in before someone falls in to it as happened once before.
The spectre of the dreaded ironing board raised its ugly head again this afternoon and as I had no excuse this time I was obliged to move the mountain as it were. I am convinced that if the menfolk of the family were forced to do their own ironing they would not fling their togs in to the laundry basket with such gay abandon. My son will put a shirt in the basket even if he has only worn it for half and hour and while I do not advocate the wearing of soiled clothes I do wish that at least the boys would not drop the newly ironed clothes on the bottom of the wardrobe making it necessary for me to iron their blessed shirts twice. Cheesecloth for ever say I!
I have dreadful sciatica today and am hobbling about like an old crock,Sitting down is even more painful than standing up so at the moment I can not win, getting old is no joke .
My son is having a wonderful time in Derbyshire. Last night he mentioned to the tow ladies who run the hotel were he is staying that the DVD machine in his room was not working . This morning they moved him to an even bigger room that the one he had and with an even more amazing view. He is particularly pleased with the full size desk which graces the new room. He tells me that it is so cold in Castleton today that he went for a tour of the caves to warm up a little. He seems happy though so all is well..
I am looking forward to cuddling up in bed tonight with a film to watch, some chocolates to eat and my little cat for company, they days when I used to stay out late on the razzle are long gone but life has it's compensations and a snug bed is defiantly high on the list of these.
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