Although my world is once again confined to the view from my bedroom window I am surprised to find that at the moment I am not at all troubled about the fact. It is very odd because normally I would be climbing the walls by now and fretting about the garden and the baking and a Myriad of household tasks which clamour for my attention on an ordinary day.
Some how it does not seem so important at the moment and as long as the menfolk can keep themselves fed I am content.
I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time sleeping, only waking for a cup of tea or coffee of to take my medication. Pa is rather tired today as he had quite a day yesterday,my son who is now sleeping tidied up the kitchen this morning and seemed very pleased with his efforts,he does take a pride in keeping his room nice these days and the experience seems to have given him a taste for housework.
From my window I can see that nest hole of our pair of wild parrakeet's. During the past couple of weeks there has been quite a tussle between two pairs of birds for the nesting rights on this choice location. Now the beautifully marked male bird stands guard at the entrance to the hole and the female seems to be spending time inside so I expect that she will begin to lay her clutch of eggs soon. I cannot understand why people dislike these birds, some complain about the noise they make which seems strange to me as most sound in these parts is overwhelmed by the air craft noise related to Heathrow.
Even my small world has been shaken today by the earthquake in Japan, I am watching the news at the moment,it looks dreadful, the poor people have no chance against the force of water,it is shocking to see the houses disappear as the water rages by carrying with it ships and boats, cars and buildings. I hope that the force of the tsunami created by this quake spends its self before it strikes the low lying islands that lie in its destructive path.
It seems wrong to be lying here warm and safe while such a tragedy is being played out so far away. It will be a long time before many of the poor souls caught up in this disaster will be able to feel safe again I think.
Not all the power and ingenuity of humankind can ever compete with the forces of nature in a rage. When these event occur we are like a lot of ants running about when someone turns on a hosepipe and floods their nest. I wonder very much that as a species we treat nature with such scant respect. We depend entirely upon nature for our survival and nature is capable of wiping out thousands of us at a stroke. We are so arrogant, congratulating ourselves on the way we have shaped “our” world, but what in the whole history of mankind have we made that can rival a single honey bee without whose existence we would all perish, it is a sobering thought.
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