Today I feel much brighter and a little less tired, the bouts of pain are decreasing and are much less severe in spite of this I have been ordered to stay in bed and am forbidden to do any of my usual tasks. Now that am feeling better I am beginning to feel as if I am on a funny sort of holiday with no sight seeing but with excellent room service. This morning I was awakened by my son bearing coffee and some hot buttered toast, he often brings me coffee when he comes in from work but the toast is a real treat and spares Pa the problem of giving me breakfast. As I am taking a lot of painkillers at the moment as well as anti inflammatory drugs I need to eat before each dose. This need is being met by tinned rice pudding heated in the microwave which perfect for the purpose, creamy and easy to digest.
My son tells me that I shall be allowed to get up on Monday when he begins his week off. This, he tells me is so that he can keep an eye on me to make sure I do not take on too much work. I shall be allowed to cook again but no heavy cleaning and sadly no gardening.
I confess that I shall be jolly glad to return to my kitchen if only to make some fresh bread, we are eating Hovis at the moment and although it is not too bad we have not eaten shop bought bread for years and I think we are all missing our special home baked loaves.
The boys are managing very well and are not complaining at all but I know just how much they dislike the shop bought pizzas, pies and puddings that they are having to eat at the moment.
I must say I feel rather guilty about it but my son says that he is quite enjoying being the boss in the kitchen. He does the cooking and Pa does the washing up and although he is getting tired Pa has surprised everyone including himself with his new found sense of purpose.
I am told that we are having chicken pie for dinner with potato waffles and peas, it sounds a little like school dinners but I shall be very happy to eat it up when the time comes now that my appetite had returned.
The boys have looked after me so well and I am more grateful than I can say for their kindness, they have worked so hard to keep things ticking over without complaint and with cheerful faces, I need not have worried at all. They have both been so concerned for my welfare that at times I have been in tears over their thoughtfulness.
When I am get my apron on again I shall cook them a special meal as a thank you for all they have done, it will be a very small return on for all their hard work and all the care and love they have shown me, I am the luckiest person in the world to have such a lovely family.
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