The sun shining through my bedroom window woke me early this morning and I spent a quiet half hour watching the day begin while sipping a cup of coffee. A pair of Blackcaps, such pretty little birds were courting along the garden fence. The male bird kept up his song for quite a while and at last the female bird, who actually has a red cap agreed to mate and then off they flew to begin their busy time. Their nest must already be built and the first egg will be laid very soon and we shall have the very great pleasure of watching the pair raise their brood. We are lucky enough to have a pair of Nuthatches nesting in the garden again, they are visiting the feeders often at the moment and we shall soon see them bring their young for a free meal. The returning sun has caused a sudden up rush of life all around and there is a smell warm earth, rich and full of spice.
I made an early start in the kitchen baking the bread for the next two days, three loaves today, all made with barley corn which has a wonderful nutty flavour. Pa and I had a breakfast of scrambled eggs flavoured with fresh parsley from the garden and served with sautéed mushrooms after which I prepared a game stew for the evening meal to cook slowly and be ready in time for dinner. After a little tidying I was free at last to go into the garden to be outside in the sunshine and although there is a great deal of work to do I set about preparing the ground for this years crops and weeding the strawberry patch which was full of young ash plants and Herb Robert seedlings. I quite like herb Robert even though it lives up to its country name of stinking Bob, it is a pretty plant and so I replanted some of them around the edge of the orchard,
My Gardening Club Vouchers arrived this morning and I set of in the afternoon to buy a new cover for my small poly tunnel my attempts at repairing the old one have proved to be unsuccessful,it is only a metre high and three metres long but it is very useful , for growing an early salad crop and for protecting tender plants from late frosts.
In between bits of gardening I made a blueberry jelly for tomorrow and took some photographs of my tame squirrel. I know it is not the fashion to like Grey Squirrels but I do not care, I do like them and I do not grudge them a few peanuts or a hand full of raisins now and then. This cheeky little fellow sits on the kitchen windowsill and watches me doing the dishes in the morning , he seldom budges until food is forthcoming, he has even been known to knock on the glass if no one takes any notice of him. The cat Twiggy detests squirrels as a breed which is very odd as her fur is the same colour as theirs. Miss has spent the afternoon with me in the garden and her delight in the warm spring weather knows no bounds. She was worn out last night with a day of fun and frolic but this morning she was out again at the crack of dawn to sit in her tree house where she spent some time watching the foxes in the orchard.
Mindful of the havoc the badgers caused last year I have begun to prepare the protective fences for the salad bed, I doubt if it will do any good but it must be tried. Truth to tell it is worth the loss to see these wonderful creatures at close quarters and there is usually enough salad left after they have finished digging for chaffer grubs.
I am now as tired as Twiggy so I am going to have a hot bath and them of to bed with a hot drink and shortbread biscuit. Goodnight all and seep well.
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