Hooray and hallelujah, I finally made it back to the kitchen today and the first thing I did was to make some granary bread. Having to eat shop bread not been pleasant and we are all looking forward to eggs on toast for breakfast tomorrow.
Today's breakfast was a mixture of crumpets,oven bottom muffins and brioche and very nice it was. To be frank after a week of Hovis toast and tinned rice puddings it was heaven.
Another great relief today was being able to wash my hair, it had been a whole week since I last washed it and it felt horrible and looked worse.
I put clean sheets on my bed and tidied up a little before I was made to stop and have a rest. I shall have to be more careful I know, I am not sure how we shall manage but I am not going to fret about it today, it is so lovely to be up and about again that nothing can spoil it.
Dinner was a joint effort, my son and I made a dish of four cheese pasta with bacon and garlic,quick and oh so tasty, after a week of short commons you should have seen how we all tucked in. I have received a request for my special pork roast tomorrow so of course I shall be happy to oblige. My poor boys fared much worse than I last week as for a good deal of the time I was too ill to eat anything. Alas for my boys, who from necessity became acquainted with certain convenience foods which in the normal course of events would not be allowed across the threshold of this establishment! It is very much to their credit that they ate them without complaint.
The sun has shone all day but I was not tempted to go outside as it is still very cold. Puss however disported herself about the garden getting reacquainted with bumble bees and ignoring the ladybirds with which she is all too familiar. They are still making a great nuisance of themselves in the upper rooms of the cottage. Last night I almost drank one of the little pests that had gone for a midnight dip in my water jug, and not for the first time! There were two inside my pillow case this morning and a good dozen snuggled in between the bedspread and the throw, they like to be warm the little pests!
We are all off to bed early tonight as my son and I both have early appointments with our G.P which is a pity as my son really needs a long lie in, a treat which will now be delayed until Wednesday.
In spite of this we have a whole week to look forward to and we all mean to make the most of it, including the cat who at last has her little world back to normal.
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