Today's blog will be rather short. After a night of no sleep and intense pain I am very tired and I am sorry to say the pain is still quite bad. I have been obliged to spend the day in bed and Pa , bless him has done his best to keep things ticking over.
The cat is now missing my son so much that she has taken up residence in his room and is refusing to budge. I confess that I too will be very glad to have him home again.
If I am still in pain on Monday I shall go to Hospital. The knowledge that anything other that Orthopaedics is useless on the weekend is all that prevented me from going last night. I am unfortunately all too familiar with the vagaries of our local A and E.
Even if the pain goes away if is now evident that I am in need of treatment again , which has always been effective in the past.
I shall go back to bed now with my hot water bottle so goodnight and have a good weekend.
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