Some time ago I told you how my tame robin had lost his claim on the orchard to another of his kind, today I am happy to report that he has regained his territory and has begun to build his nest in one of the bird boxes in the ivy on the old orchard wall. Of course all robins are welcome but this one is special as we watched him fledge and kept him going with crumbs for the first few difficult weeks after he left the nest, as a consequence he is very friendly and sits with me whenever I have a cup of tea in the orchard. Apart from a few necessary chores this morning I have spent most of the afternoon gardening and my little friend has kept me company all the while. Even the cat Twiggy knows better than to molest this little bird , indeed for a champion mouser she is on the whole very good about leaving the other wild life well alone.
I planted four bags of seed potatoes today, I usually do this on Good Friday as is the country custom but as Easter is so late this year I have jumped the gun a little, I hope I do not live to regret it.
I have also sowed some Florence fennel, some Dill, Chives, leeks, nasturtiums and a few early peas, by which time I was rather weary. All the while my robin flitted about picking up any worms uncovered by my activities and his mate, a little nervous of me at the moment watched for a while and then having decided that I was harmless joined in the feast. The birds, like me are reveling in the spring sun shine and although the forecast tells me that it will become colder towards the weekend at least it will be fine and dry so hopefully I shall be able to continue catching up with my garden chores.
For dinner this evening I roasted a chicken sprinkled with fresh herbs and laid on a thick bed of garlic cloves. This was served with a salad of lettuce, sorrel from the garden, lots of fresh crusty bread to dip in to the juices and to spread with the lovely roasted garlic. This dish is a great favourite with my son and although Pa and I are not great lovers of chicken I do this dish quite often. For today it was perfect as it requires little preparation leaving me more time for the garden.
I treated myself to some juicy fresh prawns and will eat my share of the chicken cold for my super which I must say I prefer.
I have not yet heard from my member of parliament but I expect she has been busy with the repercussions of George Osborne's lack lustre budget, if he truly believes that taking a penny of the cost of a litre of petrol is going to fuel the flagging economy he is a bigger duffer than I thought!
There can be no greater fault in a man in his position than self delusion, but then what do I know. It does seem rather like putting a band aid on an arterial bleed I must say.
Once again I have gardened until I am dropping with tiredness but I am happier than I have been in weeks, there is nothing like a day in the fresh air with bursting buds and singing birds to put me in good spirits. And so, as Samuel Pepys used to say, to bed.
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