I am having problems with my internet connection today, although I seem to be getting a strong signal my little net book keeps on telling me that something or another is unplugged. Since there is nothing to plug in I am at a loss to correct this small difficulty. I have run all the usual checks and every thing seems to be hunky dory so I am writing this blog with no expectation of being able to post it.
The pattern of the day is very different when my son is away. On the one hand there are no deadlines and I can take things at a slower pace. On the other hand life is much less fun without his cheery presence to jolly me along when things get tough.
Today Pa had an appointment with his G.P at two thirty and oh Lord the trouble I had getting him ready on time. It does not seem to matter how much time he has he always manages to fiddle it away until inevitably he is late. I got him up and gave him breakfast and then spent almost three hours chivvying him along in a vain attempt to get him ready on time, I got his clothes ready. I got the buggy ready, I practically had to dress him and still could not get him out of the house until two fifteen. Since it takes thirty minutes to get to the surgery that meant he was fifteen minutes late. The dragons who pass as receptionists only allow you to be ten minutes late and then they make a new appointment for you for another day. You are not even allowed to wait until the end of surgery to see your doctor. Since they always send in the next patient if someone is late you might suppose there to be in difficulty in then allowing the late comer to go in next, apparently this is too complicated for them and so if you get stuck in traffic or have someone like Pa to deal with life can became difficult. My own doctor cannot understand why my high blood pressure keeps on getting worse, things like this most certainly do not help.
Other than these minor difficulties the day has been a good one, my sons room has been thoroughly cleaned and garnished in readiness for his return. All that is needed now is the customary welcome home balloon which has become a tradition and a rather nice one I think.
I am hoping to purchase a garden trolley this week as I now find wheel barrows impossible to balanced , finding the right one has posed problems as there are so many different types and I am not sure which would be the best one for us. Apart from being used in the garden we need it to help us to get the rubbish and the myriad recycle bags from the back garden to the road, a considerable distance for two disabled people. At the moment we are having to put them out the night before as it takes us so long to do. This means that quite often the foxes rip the bags up and them the delicate refuse collectors refuse to soil their dainty hands picking it up again. Incidentally I wonder why they insist upon throwing the recycle boxes and bags over the fence and onto my gr=garden or the pathway? I could understand this if we had a large and fierce dog instead of a cute little kitty.
There is always a bright side to every day and today while I was out I discovered a glorious clump of spring flowers flaunting their rash beauty in the face of a freezing cold wind. Such little treasures make even an ordinary day special for me and for you too I hope as I have used the photograph I snapped to decorate today's blog. Spring is on its way.
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