As I had hoped I managed to get back to my much missed kitchen for a short while today. My first job was to make a pot of good strong tea, the proper kind with real tea leaves. We have been drinking a great deal of coffee this week for some reason and a cup of tea for a change was lovely.
While Pa drank his tea I put a pan of water on to boil and while I waited wrapped a dozen plump pork sausages in some streaky bacon and cut some potatoes in to wedges. Having cooked to potatoes for a bare five minutes I drained them well and emptied them in to a large tray, tossed them in some olive oil and seasoned them with a little garlic salt.
Tarragon and crème fraich dip is Pa's favourite and I made a this first, then discovering that we were out of tomato ketchup I made a cheats version of this as I know that without this delectable condiment my son's meal would be spoiled.
Cheats Ketchup
Half a tube of tomato purree
I teaspoon of cider vinegar
juice of a small orange
1 tablespoon of sugar or a little less if you do not like it sweet.
pinch of mixed spice
pinch of garlic salt
Put all the ingredients in to a small pan and heat slowly stirring constantly.
This sauce can be served hot or cold and will keep for a few days in the refrigerator.
I can honestly say that I have passed this concoction off as the shop bought stuff more than once!
This simple but tasty meal will cook in less than an hour in a hot oven , the potatoes taking roughly the same time as the sausages. A sorrel and baby spinach salad will accompany the dish.
I felt tired after these slight exertions and needed to lie down for a while, needless to say I fell asleep again. It is amazing how debilitating pain can be. Pa is very tired today , I am told by my son that it was Pa who cooked last nights dinner so I am not surprised that he is tired today.
I hope that tonight I shall be on hand to cook but if not at least the meal is not a complicated one.
I have had so much help this week for the boys ,they have really surprised me by how much they can but know that they are both very tired so the sooner I am up and about the better.
When I returned to my bedroom the cat Twiggy was fast asleep slap bang in the middle of my bed and refused point blanc to move. I t has been a long time since she had the bed to herself and her protest was duly noted, you see she is convinced that it is in fact her room and so I am only her guest. After a short tussle we settled down for a nap while the rain fell outside.
In spite of the chilly weather and the lack of sun the birds are singing louder every day and there is much squabbling over choice nesting sites. A pair of spotted woodpeckers are prospecting in the lime tree at the bottom of the garden. The hole which has attracted their interest is only a few feet above the parakeets newly furbished home, so far their does not seem to be any animosity between the two families. In a nearby tree a nest of honey bees seems to have survived another winter. Whenever the sun comes our there is a steady stream of these small insects shuttling between their nest and the flowering shrubs and the primroses which now fill the orchard. I do miss my garden.
Tomorrow is the start of my sons week off and we are all glad that this unpleasant week is over. I intend to bake some bread tomorrow if all goes well. The trouble with my condition is that it can flare up in a moment, however I have hope that this bout at least is almost over.
I hope you all had a good weekend and I wish everyone good fortune for the coming week.
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